When they meet a little kid

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~ Zarkon ~

As the weather got warmer you and Zarkon decided to go check the black lion. Zarkon made sure to put his disguise on before the two of you left your house/apartment. Things were going good until a gust of wind blew part of his disguise off. What made it worse was there was a little boy nearby.

"Woah, what are you?" The boy asked, running up to Zarkon as you helped him put his disguise back on.

"I am Zarkon, Emperor of the Galra Empire." Zarkon replied, looking down at the boy.

The little boy's eyes widened in fear when he saw Zarkon. Zarkon wasn't sure what to do, so he just stood there. You were scared of what was going to happen.

"Mommy, there's a giant lizard man!" The little boy yelled as he ran back home.

"Great, now everyone's going to know." You muttered angrily as you both started walking away.

Zarkon was stunned at what just happened. You hoped that the little boy's mother wouldn't believe him. If she did, then something bad would happen.


~ Alfor ~

Now that it was springtime you and Alfor could go out on walks. Today you both decided to go to the park. The birds were chirping and the squirrels were running around. You and Alfor were currently sitting on a bench under an apple tree full of blossoms that was near the pond.

"Hi! Who are you?" A random little girl asked.

"What? Oh, who are you?" You asked, turning to face the girl who seemed to be about four.

"I'm Samantha." Samantha said, looking up at you and Alfor.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you Samantha. My name is Alfor and this is my girlfriend, Y/n." Alfor said politely.

"Girlfriend? Are you two going to get married and live happily ever after?" Samantha asked, a huge smile on her face.

You were shocked at her question. You and Alfor both blushed a little. Just then a woman who looked a little like Samantha walked over.

"Samantha, why are you bothering these nice people?" Samantha's mom asked her.

"Sorry mommy." Samantha said bashfully, walking over to her mom.

"It's quite alright ma'am, she wasn't truly bothering us." Alfor told Samantha's mom.

"Well, if you say so. But I'm still sorry, she always wanders off when I bring her to the park. Have a nice day." Samantha's mom said before she led Samantha away back to the playground.

You and Alfor watched them leave. You couldn't help but wonder if you and Alfor would ever get married. Alfor blushed, wondering if he would ever get the chance to ask you to marry him.


~ Blaytz ~

As soon as the weather was warm enough you and Blaytz could go check on the blue lion. Since it wasn't warm enough to wear your bikini you just put on a nice looking casual outfit that could be worn with sandals. When the two of you walked into the little cove Blaytz took his disguise off. You both were startled when a quiet gasp was heard.

"Scrap!" You said when you saw a little boy who seemed to be about five.

"What are you?" The boy asked, staring at Blaytz.

"I am a Nalquodi." Blaytz replied, not sure of what else to say.

"Mommy, there's a walking shark on the beach!" The boy screamed as he ran out of the cove as quickly as he could.

Blaytz stared in shock as the little boy ran away. You were afraid that the boy would tell his parents that he saw a real life alien. Both you and Blaytz hoped that nothing bad would happen if someone believed the little boy.


~ Gyrgan ~

As soon as it was springtime you and Gyrgan could go for flights in the yellow lion and have picnics in the forest. Today the two of you were walking around in the forest and bird watching. When you both heard footsteps behind you, you both looked to see who it was. To your surprise it was a little girl who seemed to be about five.

"Are you Smokey the bear?" The little girl asked Gyrgan curiously.

"I- um, sure?" Gyrgan asked/said, not sure how to respond to the question.

"What's your name? And where are your parents?" You asked the little girl.

"I'm Alice, and they're over through those trees." Alice said, introducing herself and pointing towards a picnic area through a cluster of trees.

"Hello there Alice." Gyrgan said politely.

"I think you should go back to your parents. They're probably worried about you." You told Alice.

"Okay. Nice to meet you Smokey. Nice to meet you, Smokey's friend." Alice said before she went back to her family.

Neither you or Gyrgan were sure what to say. You were thankful that Alice thought Gyrgan was Smokey the bear. You just hoped that no other people would find out about Gyrgan or the yellow lion.


~ Trigel ~

Today you were watching one of your family member's babies, so you had to get everything ready. Once your baby cousin was dropped off you set the portable playpen and put a few toys in it. Your baby cousin seemed to like Trigel, so she held him/her.

"Y/n, your baby cousin is adorable." Trigel said, holding the baby boy/girl on her lap.

"I know." You said, sitting next to her on the floor.

Your little cousin gurgled happily as he/she looked up at Trigel. Trigel smiled and held up a pacifier. Your little cousin took it and put it in his/her mouth. You were surprised at how good Trigel was with little kids.

"Let me go get things ready for his/her lunch." You said, getting up when you saw what time it was.

"Okay." Trigel said as she watched you go into the kitchen.

Your baby cousin watched as you left the living room and whined a little in hunger. Trigel reassured your baby cousin that lunch would be ready soon. Thankfully, that seemed to calm him/her down.

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