31. Sneak

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Warning: this chapter does contain content that some readers may find uncomfortable, read at own discretion

- also just wanted to point out that Eleanor does take the pill, just in case you guys are wondering😂 I just forget to mention it in the writing.


The next evening, Eleanor and Fred made their way down to the Edgecombe place that they agreed to meet George and the rest of the gang at.
It was a small retro style pub, with indoor and outdoor seating, not to mention the magnificent bar that stretched from one side of the pub to the other.

When they arrived, they were greeted at the door by an elderly lady who coincidentally also had bright red hair to match Fred's. Eleanor could only guess that she was a relative of Marietta's.
The elderly petite lady escorted them through the restaurant, placing them on a table that was still seemingly empty.

"Hang on, you're telling me we're actually on time for once?" Fred chuckled, pulling out the chair like a gentleman for Eleanor to sit down "now that's first."

Eleanor giggled as she sat down, thanking him for his kind gesture.

"I won't lie, I'm surprised Hermione isn't here, we all know she turns up to these kind of things an hour before it's even started."

They both burst out laughing as they looked around the room, it was quite busy in the restaurant and many tables were completely packed full of people. Making the atmosphere of the pub loud and charismatic.

As the elderly lady sorted through some menus, she placed them around each spot of the table along with a napkin and knife and fork.

"The waitress will be over to serve you shortly." The elderly woman smiled before trudging her way back over to the bar. Returning to serving pints to Middle Aged men.

"Well, she was cheerful" Fred teased, making Eleanor laugh under her breath. "Seriously, I'll bet you 5 galleons that by this time next week she would of dropped out of here."

Eleanor smirked at Fred as she held out her hand for Fred to shake "you've got yourself a bet."

And acceptingly they both shook on it.

Luckily, that's when Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Harry came waltzing into the restaurant.

"Hello you two!" Hermione beamed "sorry we're late."

Eleanor and Fred stood from their table and greeted each of them individually before taking their places back at the table along with the others.
They got the small talk out of the way such as asking how they were and how their day had been before ordering a round of drinks.

And to their surprise, there came Marietta. She stood at the head of the table with her beautiful golden locks falling down to her shoulders along with that no so forgettable  scar that she had dotted across her face.
It was safe to say she wasn't expecting to see them all in there either.

"Crikey!" Marietta jumped, her thick Irish accent flowing out from her "what the bleedin hell are all you lot doin ere?"

Fred eyed Harry suspiciously as he tried to cause a reaction.
They knew the jinx they had put on her had caused that scar and they both couldn't help but find it funny.

"Marietta! Hi" Hermione beamed "we didn't know you were working here now?"

Eleanor also smiled up at her, trying to do her best to avert her attention from the giggling boys.

"It's so nice to see you Marietta. What have you been up to these days?"

But she simply shrugged. You could tell that she was still slightly dubious about the past. Even now she still couldn't seem to forgive herself.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now