28. Bitter sweet

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"What?" George questioned, his voice slightly in-denial as he turned to Alicia "are you saying that this whole time, you never loved me?"

The whole group couldn't not believe what was going on as they watched George and Alicia sort out there issues between them.
The truth was now out, there was no going back.

"Of course I loved you Georgie" Alicia explained, the vertiserum still working its magic "you just never loved me back! I had to find a way to get you away from that bitch Eleanor so I could have you all to myself."

Eleanor scoffed as she looked over to Fred who seemed even more irritated with Alicia then she did.

"So what's the full story here Alicia?" Eleanor remarked "spit it out."

"The truth is, that I was in fact engaged to Justin but not without practically forcing him into it. I needed an alibi so I had an excuse to come and see George but when i came to meet him to give him an invite, he told me that he was seeing you." Alicia explained, seemingly irritated with herself as she couldn't control the truth "so instead, I used the imperious curse on George to force him to do whatever I wanted."

Everyone was now completely furious with her as they realised what she had done to their poor George.

"We should be taking to you to the ministry of magic right now!" Fred yelled as he stood abruptly from his chair. "What you've done is illegal and to my own brother!"

But Alicias expression soon changed when she laid her eyes on Fred "oh darling Freddie please don't be mad at me." She cooed "you weren't complaining when I kissed you the other night."

By this point, Fred's anger had completely taken over him as he quickly removed his wand from his pocket and pointed it towards Alicia.


Immediately, Alicia's voice stopped, her whole speech coming to a mute as Fred silenced her.

"I'm sorry" Fred sighed "I just couldn't listen to any more of that."

Eleanor nodded at him reassuringly before looking over to George who sat their glum and slightly confused as if he didn't know what to do with himself.

"Right" Eleanor stated, looking around at the group who seemed shocked and slightly taken aback by the events that had happened tonight "would you guys be alright taking George to the burrow? Tell Mrs Weasley everything. Hopefully she can get rid of the affects of the curse and bring George's memory back up to speed."

They all agreed as they got to their feet, doing their best to help George up and take him over to the fireplace.
He seemed completely loopy and out of it as they one by one disappeared , bursting into green flame. Leaving Fred, Eleanor and Alicia all alone.

"Are you alright Freddie?" Eleanor sighed, feeling slightly relieved to the fact that their worries about Alicia had come to an end.

"Yeah I'm all good." He replied, nodding his head "what should we do with this one?"

They both looked to Alicia who sat there quietly, seemingly unfazed and unbothered by the events that she had caused.
Eleanor soon realised that it wasn't love she was feeling for George, it was obsession.

"Well..I guess the only option we have is take to her to the ministry" Eleanor stated, looking to Fred knowingly. "It's the only option we have"

Alicias eyes glinted with fear as she heard about what they intended to do with her, you could tell that she was petrified that she could potentially spend the rest of her life in Azkaban.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now