17. True colours

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WARNING: this chapter contains materiel that some readers may not find appropriate. Read at own discretion

Eleanor stood there with her back pressed firmly against the door as Fred closed her in, pressing his hands tightly on the frame, either side of her head.

"How are you so irresistible Jones?" Fred whispered in a low tone, observing her body with his eyes. "Every time you're around me, I just want you. All of you."

Eleanors heat immediately throbbed at his words- she could feel herself becoming increasingly wetter as he looked down at her, teasing her as much as he could.

"I'm going to make you remember this." Fred said roughly as he picked Eleanor up, now Kissing her passionately.

He placed her harshly against the wall as his lips mimicked perfectly with hers, falling in rhythm as theirs tongues met halfway.
Eleanor moaned lightly into Fred's mouth as he took her over to the bed, throwing her down sloppily so her hair was messily laid out around her.

She watched him erotically as he grazed his hands along his pocket, slowly pulling out his wand into his palm.
She gulped harshly as he now pointed it just beneath her chin, guiding her head up to look at him in the eyes.

"Do you trust me?"

Eleanor was totally surprised by Fred's boldness but she loved it and without question she agreed.

"Good girl." He whispered, his tone low and lustful. "Hold your hands out in front of you."

Eleanor obliged as she sat up holding out her wrists in front her. She was totally mesmerised by whatever was about to happen and that's when Fred pointed his wand towards her.


A red spark flew out from the end of his wand, making Two thick beige coloured ropes appear around Eleanors wrists. They wrapped around her tightly, hindering her movement and the more she moved the tighter they got.

"I wouldn't move if I were you" Fred teased as he gently pushed Eleanor back to lay down, placing her arms above her head.

Slowly, he began to unbutton Eleanor's shirt. Revealing a black Lacy bra underneath.
Fred seemed slightly enticed at this as he eyes fell upon it.

"Just for me?" Fred licked his lips "you shouldn't of".

he began gently placing kisses on her collar bone and down onto her chest, grazing his fingers over the top of her bra, teasing her slightly.
- Eleanor let out a raspy moan as she fell in a trance over Fred's touch. He knew was he was doing and he was good at it.

He soon stood up to begin to remove his own shirt and tie, revealing his impressively carved out abdomen.
Eleanor bit her lip at the sight of him, her heat throbbing once again as she craved him.

He came back down again, removing Eleanors bra as he gently began sucking on her nipples.
By this point, all of her senses were completely intensified as he trickled his fingers down to her heat, grazing across her clit.
He bit into her neck once again with his lips, making Eleanor arch her back at his pleasure.

"You're so fucking beautiful." Fred gasped as he moved down, now removing her trousers along with her panties.
He stood there just watching her for a moment. His eyes growing wide as if he had set his eyes on the most amazing thing he had ever seen.

"Tonight is all about you." Fred whispered as he seductively came down to his knee's. Placing intense kisses along Eleanor's thigh.

"Oh god Freddie.." she moaned, moving her bound hands down to his head but he quickly retaliated, pushing her arms back roughly above her head.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now