15. You've earned it.

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That morning, Eleanor woke up in the arms of an all too familiar Fred. His hands were draped around her lazily as they watched the sun rise fall into the view of the window. no worries or stress anywhere to be seen.

"I wish I could do this every morning" Eleanor sighed, snuggling her head into Fred's chest "there's just something about the sun rise that I absolutely adore."

"Well then,why don't we do this every morning?" Fred questioned causing Eleanor to look up at him.

She didn't know whether or not he was being serious but Eleanor being Eleanor she decided to play along. It always seemed to be the easier way.

"What are you suggesting?" Eleanor smiled cautiously. Doing her best not to break character.

"I'm suggesting that from now on, we share every sunrise together. I know that we could both use the company." Fred explained, tucking a piece of hair behind Eleanor's ear "I told you that I'd always be here for you and I intend on staying true to that."

Eleanor blushed profusely at Fred. He had never once broken a promise within their friendship and he never failed to be there when Eleanor needed him most.
She knew she could trust him but with everything going on with George, the whole situation still played around in the back of her mind. She had a lot to figure out.

"I think that's a fantastic idea." Eleanor whispered, planting a kiss on his cheek. "But for now, I have to get ready for work."

As Eleanor got out of the bed, fred smacked her ass lightly as she went.

"I can hop in the shower with you too if you like?" Fred said cheekily, winking at Eleanor as she poked her head around the door.

"Goodbye freddie." She laughed, closing the door behind her.

One thing Eleanor loved about Fred was his humour, no matter what the situation, he could always find a way to make it laughable. Even if it was slightly flirtatious this time.

As Eleanor showered, she found herself lost in thought about the events that occurred last night. She was predominantly having sex with both brothers whilst trying to balance her business, have a social life and figure out her own feelings for the both of them.
It was a complete mess.

Eventually getting out of the shower and readying herself for the day, she found Fred in the kitchen where he had made her a tea and two slices of buttered toast.

"I know you usually don't have time for breakfast, so I intervened" Fred chuckled, placing the plate and cup on the kitchen side.

"Thankyou Freddie!" Eleanor beamed "this is so thoughtful."

She took a bite out of the toast that was still perfectly warm, the butter on it melting into her mouth as she chewed.
She took a sip of The tea after finishing the first slice and it complemented the toast nicely with its sweetness.

"I didn't know you were a culinary chef?" Eleanor teased, nudging Fred playfully on the arm.

He chuckled at her as he levitated the finished plate with his wand into the sink, casting a spell for the objects to clean themselves.

"I'm a man of many talents." Fred played along as he checked his watch  "and one of them is definitely not time keeping"

he quickly made his way over to the chair where his belongings were, swinging the same suit jacket he was wearing last night over him.

"Don't let me make you late" Eleanor stated, handing him his briefcase.
But Fred shook his head as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Soon as I've finished work, I'll be straight back" he reassured her, placing a gently kiss on her cheek. "I'm going to see if the guys would like to come over tonight. Have a few drinks maybe? ."

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now