34. Gabriela

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By now, the group were well into the evening as they sat happily tucked up around the table, catching up with Charlie as he told them all the stories of what he had been up to out there in Romania, along with the part of how he met Gabriela and how he proposed to her.

What he had described sounded so perfectly romantic. He had a taken a lost dragons tooth that he had found from one of his species and carved it into a small box, he used that to put the ring in so it could tie in their love for dragons as well as their love for each-other.
Obviously the girls being more interested in this topic of conversation than the boys.

"So Fred, George - how are you getting on with the shop?" Charlie started and the boys immediately got straight into conversation.
Although Eleanor knew most of the things about the shop, she didn't feel the need to get involved. They needed to type to catch up with their brother so she let them.

Instead Eleanor decided to turn to Gabriela who sat their smiling sweetly to herself, watching her fiancé admiringly.

"How are you finding it so far?" Eleanor interrupted, breaking Gabriela's train of thought as she turned to face her.

Her beautiful blue eyes pierced delicately into Eleanor's as she beamed at the sudden interaction "his family are amazing" Gabriela giggled, her thick Romanian accent pouring out " as well as his friends of course, you're all so wonderful."

Eleanor blushed at her words "that's so sweet thank-you!" She replied "I could say the same for you! You seem so lovely!"

And Gabriela smiled her biggest smile.

"Please, I'm sure you have heard enough about our stories tonight." Gabriela giggled "let me hear more about you, I hear you have a wand shop? That's fantastic."

Eleanor smiled reluctantly as she began engaging in deep conversation with Gabriela and as she did so she found herself enjoying herself more than ever.

They swapped funny stories about their lovers and laughed about stupid things that they have done in the past not to mention Eleanor's business where they agreed to come up with some wand designs to compliment each specie of dragon.
- it was a fantastic idea after all and Eleanor was always looking for new and different designs.

Gabriela and Eleanor got on like a house on fire and it wasn't until Hermione and Ginny brought out their cake that they made, the conversation started to die down.

They placed it gently in front of Charlie so he could see it and immediately you could tell that he was becoming slightly teary at the effort that the whole group had gone too to make this all possible for him.

"I just want to thank you all for doing this for me tonight- well us" he corrected himself as he put his arm around Gabriela. "We intend on staying for a little while longer because we actually want mum to plan our wedding."

Mrs Weasley immediately slapped her hands over her mouth in shock as she realised what her son had just said.

"I hear you did such a wonderful job on Bill and Fleurs wedding Mrs Weasley. That we would love for you to do ours"

Molly quickly made her was round the table and wrapped them arms around the lovingly.

"I'd be delighted!" she cried, smiling between happy tears as the rolled down her cheeks "and Gabriela please call me Molly. You're family now."

The moment was like a perfect picture and it was an evening that would definitely remain stuck in Eleanor's brain.

"Right well, we should probably get started on plans." Mrs Weasley stated, her brain officially going into smart mode.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now