53. Getaway

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After such a drastic reunion between the pair, all the feelings of love and familiarity came flooding back to them, finally feeling relieved that they were back in each others arms.
Eventually coming back from within the pouring rain, the two of them stood there hand in hand, drenched from head to toe as Mrs Weasley immediately threw two large fluffy towels around them.

"As much as I love seeing you two back together, you're absolutely ridiculous for standing out in that rain!" She exclaimed, brushing her hands rapidly against Eleanor's shoulders to warm her up "you're going to get a cold!"

Ginny and George smiled from ear to ear as they looked up at their brother who they hadn't seen for a quite a while, relieved to see him and Eleanor back together once again.

"Where have you been mate?" George sighed as he stood up. A beaming smile on his face as he hugged his brother "we've been worried sick about you."

Eleanor felt Just as relieved as she gripped onto freds hand, refusing to let go of it as the two bothers reunited.
They definitely had a lot to talk about and once  everyone was done with small talk and drinking some warm tea that Mrs weasley had made them. The two of them gave each other a knowing look, as if to say 'it was time to leave'. More than anything, they just wanted to be alone, it was evident that they both needed some time together after everything that had happened.

"If it's alright with you, I can take it from here" Fred explained, slapping his legs as he stood up "I'm sure you've done more than enough with looking after Eleanor and besides, I'm sure she would like to be home now."

It was true, after spending so much time at the burrow, it had been so long since eleanor last returned home, she was sure that she was going to have so much work to catch up on, let alone the whole place to tidy up.

"It would be nice to see my home" Eleanor chipped in, receiving a reassuring look for Mrs Weasley "as long as that's okay with you."

Everyone watched as Mrs Weasley made her way across the room and wrapped Eleanor up into a massive bear hug. Her comforting embrace, making all the stress and worries float away.

"Of course dear! You don't have to ask me for permission" she explained softly, patting Eleanor's back "but if you do need anything and I do mean anything, then please don't hesitate to come back."

Eleanor nodded gratefully at her before pulling away to hug the others goodbye.
If it wasn't for them, she probably wouldn't of been nearly half as mended as she was now. Mrs Weasley really knew every trick in the book.

Taking freds arm, the both of them stepped into the fireplace and immediately transported straight from the burrow, back into the familiar homely sight of Eleanor's apartment.
- to her complete surprise, the whole place was completely immaculate. Not a sign of dust or dirt anywhere.

"Looks like Olivia has been taking care of the place for you" Fred smiled, placing down a bag of Eleanor's belongings on the table "Does that earn her a promotion?"

Eleanor giggled at Freds silly comment, finally remembering what it was like to laugh again.

"She's practically already become part owner of the shop at this point" Eleanor chuckled, shaking her head "Maybe not a promotion, but there's definitely something else that would make her happy."

Fred raised an inquisitive eyebrow at Eleanor as he made his way over to her, bringing her gently into his arms.

"Oh yeah, and what's that?" He asked.

"She wants me to set her up on a date with George" Eleanor explained, a smirk forming onto her face "seems like she's quite interested in him."

You could see the shocked but yet not so surprised look on Fred's face as he listened to Eleanor explain. For some reason, it seemed like he already knew something about this.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now