44. Pleasing a storm

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The night seemed to drag on terribly as the group sat around the living room, drinking and having fun, still listening to the same record that boomed loudly across the apartment.
For once everyone seemed quite content. Eleanor was sat happily snuggled under Fred's arm on the sofa as well as all the couples who sat dotted across the sitting room.
Ginny and Harry were deep into conversation with George and Julia, whilst Hermione was quite fascinated by whatever story Amber was feeding her about a magical creature she had once come across.

"Sorry to interrupt but do you mind telling me where the bathroom is ?" Julia stuttered, her hands shaking slightly and her demeanour completely changing.

"Yes of course" Eleanor said quickly " are you alright?"

But before she could even finish, Julia had immediately darted off to the toilet, slamming the door behind her.
Everyone's conversations suddenly cut off as they turned to look at each-other strangely.

"Probably the alcohol I reckon" Ron said, hiccuping in between "can't keep up with us heavy drinkers ay?"

Fred and George laughed simultaneously at their brother, both high-fiving him from across the coffee table whilst the others did a chorus of small laughs nodding their heads along but genuinely more concerned to if Julia was alright.

"I'll go and check on her." Eleanor said softly, tapping Fred's leg as she stood up.

Everyone seemed to return to their normal conversation whilst Eleanor made her way over to the toilet.
Quietly she stood outside before lightly tapping on the door and calling out Julia's name.

"Julia? Are you alright" Eleanor said softly "can I come in?"

Without a response, Eleanor gently began to open the door and as she entered Julia was sat on the lid of the toilet seat, looking up at her expectantly.

"Sorry about that" Julia said softly as she wiped her mouth with a tissue "seems I can't handle my drink as well as I used to."

Eleanor smiled at her softly as she reached up into the bathroom cabinet to bring out a potion Mrs Weasley had given her for sickness relief. It had always helped her when she had the flu or even when she was preparing for her exams.

"This should help." Eleanor beamed, passing the small vile to Julia "it's just for sickness relief."

Julia beamed up at Eleanor gladly taking a small swig of the contents inside.

"Wow, thankyou" Julia said with a pleased expression "that stuff really works."

She carefully passed the small potion back to Eleanor and for a split second a glint of  a familiar look flushed across Julia's eyes and Eleanor couldn't help but immediately catch onto it.
A sense of mischief and complete darkness almost overwhelmed Eleanor causing her to take a step back and fall weak against the wall.

"I think you might of had too much to drink too" Julia giggled, standing up from her seat "here let me help you."

Surprisingly, Julia wrapped her arm around Eleanor's waist and placed her other arm around her neck for support.
She helped Eleanor out into the living room where Fred immediately looked round from the sofa and rushed to her aid.

"What happened?!" He said worriedly "is she alright?"

Gently, Julia passed Eleanor over to him, brushing his hand gently as she let go.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now