8. New found confidence

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Warning: this chapter could be inappropriate for some readers

The sweet scent of George's aftershave was intoxicating as he came closer to Eleanor, pressing his lips eagerly into her neck.
She could barely stand the way it made her feel so vulnerable, it was as if she couldn't control herself around him. Losing all train of thought.

Eleanor arched her back as George reached his slender hands up her shirt, unclipping her bra. Kissing her as he went.

"You are so irresistible" George said in a low whisper, biting into Eleanors neck.

She let out a moan and ran her fingers through his hair roughly. Nothing could stop this moment. She wanted it. More than anything.

Eleanor slipped her fingers underneath his shirt, tugging it off him to reveal a set of defined abs. She pressed him back in his seat as she ran her fingers along his toned chest.
George sat there with a smirk on his face as he watched her admire his body, gently helping her out of her slinky top so he could get a better view of her also.

The intensity between them was building as they roughly collided again, kissing each-other passionately.
Electricity was practically coursing through Eleanors veins as she confidently got to her knees in front of George and gently tugged off his trousers followed by his underwear. Freeing his erection.

She looked up at him eagerly as she placed his hand on his length, stroking gently.

"Hmm" George moaned, rolling his head back onto the top of the sofa. "You are so good at this."

But Eleanor knew deep down that he had seen nothing yet.
Suddenly, she began Quickening her pace which caused George to moan even louder.

"Fuck" he breathed "don't stop."

Boosting Eleanor's confidence, she raised up onto her knees and leant over to place the tip of her tongue on his length.
She gently began swirling her tongue around him, making him long for more.

"God Jones, you are so good-"

He continued to take a handful of Eleanors hair, gripping it tightly as she bobbed her head up and down. The feeling of his length hitting the back of her throat was exhausting but no matter how much it pained her, she continued. She wanted to please him.
Eleanor began tightening her mouth around his length, applying pressure with her tongue as she swirled around it. She could feel him arch his back in ecstasy as she did this.

"What are you doing to me?" He said in a raspy tone. "Fuck you're so incredible"

That's when he suddenly grabbed Eleanor and flipped her back onto the sofa, so she was led looking at him.
He ran his finger seductively down her front, grazing against her nipples as he went.

"Your turn" He whispered

Slowly, he began undoing Eleanors belt and throwing it to one side, pulling down her jeans and underwear.
Making them both completely and utterly naked.

He pried his eyes along her body, pushing his tongue to one side as he admired her.

"Like what you see?" Eleanor teased, copying what George had said once before and he snickered.

"I don't just like what I see. I love it" George replied as he bent down to place kisses along Eleanors thigh.

Immediately, her back arched at the burning sensation his lips gave off as he pressed into her skin.
The immense tingling sensation made its way across her body as she looked down at the red haired boy, making his way lovingly across her skin.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now