46. One step forward, two steps back

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The next day in the shop, things seemed to resume pretty much back to normal.
Olivia who had now returned fresh faced and ready for her usual routine at work was this time accompanied by her sister Julia.

Eleanor wasn't best impressed with her due to not showing up for work the previous day so it was pretty much written in the stars that she was going to have a word or two with her privately.

As Julia stepped into the shop, something seemed completely off. She placed her bag down in the wrong place and lazily threw her scarf and coat over the hanger, completely missing and letting it fall to the floor without turning around to pick it up.

"Julia, mind if I have a quick word?" Eleanor spoke politely as she inwardly gritted her teeth.
The last thing she wanted to do was come across as aggressive as she knew Julia was the shy type, although maybe not so much anymore.

"Oh-Um yes okay" Julia sighed, rolling her eyes slyly.

Eleanor did in fact catch onto that but quickly ignoring it, she made her way into the small cubby by the delivery doors.

Julia faced her with a completely different demeanour than to when they first met. She stood there with a confident pose, her arms crossed and her beautiful blue eyes batting adoringly at her.

"I've actually been meaning to speak to you myself" Julia spoke up first as she whipped her hair across her shoulder "I just wanted to tell you that I've decided to quit."

Shockingly, Eleanor took a retracting step back. Julia's behaviour had been so completely off that this definitely seemed hugely out of character.

"Wait- are you sure?" Eleanor gasped "did i do something to upset you?"

But Julia shook her head "it's not you.. I just need to focus my attention on something else that's all"

Conflicted between asking more questions and losing her temper with Julia's attitude, Eleanor remained calm.
She understood that being with George might of helped her out of her shell a little bit but definitely not this much.

"If you want to quit then I totally understand" Eleanor nodded, pressing her lips together firmly "but I have to ask- completely unrelated to work. Is everything okay? You just seem different lately.."

Julia stroked her arm coyly as this elegant but mischievous smirk formed on her face. Deep down she know what she was up too but everyone else still remained completely oblivious to it.

"I'm actually better than I've ever been" Julia smiled, beaming her perfect teeth at Eleanor "honestly, there's nothing to worry about."

As she said this, Julia reached forward and placed a reassuring hand onto Eleanor's forearm and that same dizzy sensation seemed to come over her again.  A little stronger this time, Eleanor quickly removed her arm from her touch and pulled a confused face at Julia who stood there simply smiling.

"I'll see you around Eleanor!" Julia waved and with that she turned her back on her and made her way out of the shop.
Seemingly making her way down to George and Fred's shop.

Anyone would think Eleanor was going mad by the way she kept having these small mysterious moments.
It felt like something or someone was trying to interfere with inner thoughts causing her to go weak at the knees and completely delirious.
Evidently, Eleanor began running through every possibility that the solution of the problem could come down to but she was simply lost.

"Excuse me miss- theres some Mail for you" Olivia explained as she turned the corner but immediately stopped in her tracks when she saw Eleanor's frozen cold expression "Eleanor are you alright?"

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now