7. The burrow

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It was safe to say that the previous night was pretty hectic for the group as they spent the entirety of the evening celebrating the finishing touches on Eleanors shop.
They broke out an enormous amount of alcohol, from fire whiskey to daisyroot draught, finishing it all off in one tiny session.

Eleanors apartment was a mess with scattered bottles traced around the floor and the scent of last nights food wafting from the kitchen counter.
It wasn't a pretty sight.
The group remained tucked up on the sofa until a familiar hand began to shake Eleanor.

"El... Eleanor? Wake up." A deep voice sounded out as she slowly began to open her eyes.

It took a moment for them to focus and soon enough she came to see George standing over her.

"Good morning beautiful" he said, bending down to place a kiss on her cheek causing Eleanor to smile coyly.

"What are you doing?" She stretched, turning over in bed as she pulled the covers up to her neck "if you're going to get in, then go ahead."

It didn't take much encouraging for George because by the time Eleanor had blinked, there he was lying right in front of her, his face practically only inches away from her own.

"I just wanted to come in and tell you that there are few things I need to go and handle. I won't be too long" George explained as placed a tiny kiss on the top of her nose.

"Where are you going? I can come with you if you like?" Eleanor asked politely but was instantly shut down.

"No!" George explained causing Eleanor to retract a bit "I mean, it's fine. It's just some business to do with the shop. It won't take long. I promise."

And with that he got up from where he was laying and made his was out of her room.

That was odd Eleanor thought. He never usually acted that way and whatever he was doing, he definitely did not want Eleanor to know about it.
But once again, she shook her thought putting it down to overthinking again. He probably just was simply going to the shop. She had no reason to disbelieve him after everything that had happened so far.

Eventually she dragged herself out of bed, grabbing her dressing gown from off of the back of the door, wrapping it around her.
It was until she reached the living room that she realised how hard they must of partied last night, judging by the mess.

Her mouth fell slightly open ajar as she saw Hermione across the room in the kitchen making coffees for everyone.
Eleanor caught eyes with her across the room and they both gave a small quaint smile.

"Good Morning" Hermione mouthed sweetly, as she came towards Eleanor with a cup, holding it out to her.

"Do you wanna come in my room and talk?" Eleanor whispered, looking to the others who remained silently asleep and Hermione agreed.

She followed in after her, clutching her warm mug in her hands as she made herself comfy on Eleanors bed. Readying herself for some girl talk.

"I absolutely love what you have done with this place El" Hermione stated, admiring the pictures on the walls "it's so modern!"

Eleanor nodded "yeah it's not too bad! I saw something like it in a muggle brochure and thought I'd give it a shot."
Causing them both to giggle.

"Well you've really outdone yourself! You should be proud." Hermione praised, taking a sip of her coffee.
"But on another subject, may I address the elephant in the room?"

Eleanor shot Hermione a look of uncertainty, raising an eyebrow at her, completely clueless as to what she may have on her mind.

"Those love bites on your neck, who are they from?" Hermione smiled warmly, teasing Eleanor slightly.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now