23. Plan b

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Warning: This chapter contains a small sexual scene, read at own discretion

Eleanor and Harry made their way back through the floo network, arriving once again in the apartment.
They couldn't help but feel slightly confused with the things that they had found out but at least they were getting somewhere.

"I should probably be getting back to work" Harry stated, giving Eleanor a hug goodbye "are you going to be alright?"

"Yeah I'll be fine" Eleanor sighed "do you reckon you could get word to the others to meet us here tonight?"

Harry nodded "sure, I'll send them all an owl. Shall we say 6pm?"

"Yeah that's fine, I'll let Fred know. See you later Harry" Eleanor replied and with that she watched him as he stepped back into the chimney, disappearing into the burst of a flame.

She couldn't help but think about Justin, he was so poorly injured that a part of her thought that Alicia might of done this to him.
- she had always been known for her uncontrollable temper at Hogwarts. As well as the fact there was no sign of any magical creature around Justin's apartment.
Why would she want to obliviate him?
The obvious reasons were that she didn't want anyone asking questions about their previous relationship and maybe to the fact she had beaten him in some sense.
but why lie about the engagement? It didn't make any sense.

Eleanor made her way down the steps into her shop. - Diagon alley seemed unusually quiet today so she decided to keep the shop closed for the remainder.
Instead she headed on down to Fred and George's shop so she could fill Fred in on everything she found out and it wasn't until she stepped inside that she was greeted with the worst person imaginable. Now really wasn't the time to bump into her.

"Oh Eleanor what a pleasure it is to see you again." Alicia said sarcastically, eyeing her up and down.

She was leant over the counter talking to George, her perfect silk like hair brushed over one shoulder. Alicia was evidently stunning which made Eleanor dislike her even more.

"Are you feeling better after your slight temper tantrum the other night?" Alicia snickered.

Is this bitch being serious right now?
Eleanor pressed her lips together firmly, trying her best to bite her tongue. She wouldn't let Alicia get the best of her. She wasn't worth it.
- she looked over to George who just stood there with a glum face. Usually if anyone spoke to Eleanor this way he would intervene but this time was different, he genuinely seemed on Alicias side.

"Have you seen Fred anywhere?" Eleanor asked impatiently "I really need to talk to him."

But of course, Alicia had to get involved once again.

"Why the sudden hurry? Don't you want to stay and talk to us for a while?" Alicia teased "pretty sure last time I saw Fred he was in the office."

Without another word, Eleanor made her way past them, practically bursting into the office where she found Fred sat buried in paperwork.
He immediately looked up to her, realising that she was fuming.

"I know" Fred said reassuringly, standing up from the desk  "she's been getting on my nerves all day today as well."

He made his way over to her and brought her into his welcoming embrace.
It's actually what she needed as she felt her anger immediately melt away, burying her head into his chest.

"She's just impossible to like." Eleanor sighed "even in school, I hated her."

"I know, she doesn't exactly make it easy but the sooner we find out what's going on, the sooner we can get rid off her I guess." Fred explained "I'm just glad that you're back. How did it go?"

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now