27. Vertiserum

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For the rest of the day Eleanor and Fred spent it relaxing in Eleanor's apartment, listening to music and just generally enjoying one another's company.
And it wasn't until the start of the evening that they decided to make their way back to Fred and George's apartment.

They hadn't seen Alicia or George since they mysteriously disappeared that night after Eleanor got spiked so of course it was on the agenda to see if they were back at the apartment.
Especially since they still needed to get their hands on the vertiserum for Alicia.

The evening was still young as they made their way down Diagon alley, stepping into the familiar scent of fireworks and sweets as they arrived at the shop.

The place was dark and quiet as it it did not open on a Sunday, leaving not an inch of a sound in any corner.
- it was quiet eery seeing the shop in this state when it was usually full of laughs and loud bangs.

Eleanor and Fred made their way up the winding steps to the apartment where they were unfortunately met with Alicia and George making out on the sofa.
- they both couldn't help but pull a disgusted and uncomfortable face at the sight they were greeted with.

"Hmhm" Fred coughed, making the pair on the sofa immediately break apart to face them.

George was completely red faced as he adjusted his tie, wiggling it back and forth anxiously  "bloody hell fred, don't you know how to knock." He stated abruptly whilst Alicia sat there with a smirk on her face.
- little did she know that Eleanor had figured out she drugged them.

"Believe it or not mate but this is my place too, you could of easily just locked the door yourself." Fred chuckled, crossing his arms in front of him "it's your mistake you left it unlocked."

"Yeah well I wasn't expecting visitors considering you've been staring at Eleanor's every night." George replied, wrapping his arm around Alicia.

Eleanor couldn't help but narrow her eyes at her. She hated her with every drop of blood she had coursing through her veins and she just wanted to show George how much of a conniving bitch she really was.

"Oh boys." Alicia cooed "it's not that big of a deal. I'm sure anyone would enjoy watching another couple get it off."

Eleanor scoffed at her rolling her eyes. Alicia absolutely loved the attention and she knew just how to get it.
Even with what she had done to Fred and the others, she knew just how to entice them.

"Anyway, what are you even doing here?" George question, looking to both of them curiously "did you need me for something?"

but in this moment, Eleanor had no idea what to say, she couldn't just exactly come out with the fact Alicia had drugged them as there was no way George would ever believe her.
They needed to somehow slip Alicia the vertiserum without her knowing but that task maybe a little harder when the whole group isn't her to distract her attention.

"I was thinking about getting the gang round" Fred cut in, suddenly proposing a random idea from out of nowhere "the other night was fun and reckon we should do it again."

Yes-Eleanor thought. This is the perfect opportunity for something like this.
She watched as Alicias eyebrow raised mischievously. There was no way Eleanor was going to let her get away with something this time.

"I think that's a fabulous idea" she replied sweetly,  "what do you think Georgie?"

She ran her fingers through his hair softly, making George become all loose and giddy.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now