29. New revelations

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1 week later

It had officially been just over a week since the whole fiasco with Alicia happened and it was safe to say that the whole group were back to normal.

Eleanor's business was booming as more and more customers heard about her store, pouring in from all across the country.
They loved the idea about creative new designs of wands, opting for something a little out there and a little different and that only made Eleanor more passionate about her work.

On the other hand Fred and George had been working effortlessly as they came up with ideas to bring out a new range of Weasley wizard Wheezes products.
They had so many ideas that didn't know what to pursue first, so they both decided to get Eleanor's help otherwise it would most likely end in arguments.

But other than that Eleanor and Fred remained completely happy, spending every minute they could spare in each other's company.


It was a quiet fresh Friday morning as Eleanor set up her shop for the day. She pulled up the blinds, turned over the sign on the door and filled up the register with coins.
The golden sunlight bursting in from the windows, although deceiving as it was now in fact winter.

"Bloody hell it's cold" Eleanor remarked to herself, turning up the small heater that sat next to her feet.

The shop was not like her apartment in anyway, it took ages to heat up. Even more so when customers kept coming in and out and letting all the pre-heated air escape.  

Eleanor knew that today was going to be quiet as usually she would have a customer lined up outside straight away but this time it was dead.
Nobody really liked coming out when it was so cold like this and Eleanor couldn't blame them. She'd also much rather stay sat under a blanket all day with her feet tucked up by the fire.
That was her perfect version of heaven.

So deeply lost in thought, Eleanor didn't recognise the owl that was sat perched on the windowsill outside, holding a small envelope in its beak.
It wasn't until it squawked loudly that she jolted upright, shaking her awake.

She made her way over to the window when she slid it upwards to an open, taking the small parchment from the owl.

"Thankyou" she cooed sweetly, patting it on the head before it flew away.

Immediately recognising the small scrawny handwriting on the front to be Fred's, she ripped it open and held the note loosely in her hands.

Hello again Jonesy,

I was wondering if you'd let me take you out tonight?

My treat, I'll meet you outside your apartment at 6.

I Love you

Your Weasley.

Eleanor pressed the note to her chest excitedly, holding it close to her heart.

The last time they went on a date Alicia and George crashed it, slightly ruining the experience but she knew this time would be different.
Eleanor knew that for the rest of day she was going to be staring at the clock, counting down the hours until she closed and low behold, that is exactly what she did.

"Why is it when you're looking forward to something, time seems to go so slow?" Eleanor mumbled to herself as she propped her face up with her hand.
- she had pretty much been staring at the clock all day as only a small minority of customers visited her.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now