4. The apartment

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After last nights awkward encounter, Fred and George soon left after they had finished their bite to eat, leaving Eleanor with absolutely no explanation as to what happened beforehand.

She didn't end up getting much of a nights sleep as she tossed and turned at the many questions that spiralled around in her mind. Eleanor couldn't help but think, what it had meant? And if George somehow felt the same way towards her?
Enough to attempt to kiss her at least.

Instead, Eleanor spent the night unpacking all the furniture she had bought. Building it and setting it up around her apartment.
Why waste a good night sitting around? not to mention, she needed something to take her mind off of things.

Eventually the time came around to about 8' o clock in the morning and Eleanor admired her handiwork as she proudly sat in her complete living room, tucked up on the sofa, drinking a coffee.

The only thing left to do was to paint the walls with George and that would be her apartment complete.

And it didn't take long for him to eventually turn up.

Once again, the familiar knock on the door sounded out throughout her apartment and Eleanor immediately sprung up from her seat and swung open the door.

There he stood again with the same paper bag as he previously did and the same large mischievous grin.

"Morning Jonesy, are you going to let me in or?" George chuckled as he tried to look around the closed door to see what Eleanor was hiding.

"Taaa daaa" Eleanor said as she stepped out of the way to reveal the not so empty apartment of hers and George's mouth fell slightly open ajar.

"Ell, this is..." George gasped "you did this all on your own?"

Eleanor nodded proudly as she crossed her arms in front of her. "It's not too bad huh?"

"It's amazing!" George beamed, looking around him as he set down the paper bag on the coffee table. "You must be exhausted? Do you want me to carry on with the painting today? I don't mind if you want to rest?"

But Eleanor shook her head.

"No that's okay!" Eleanor said gladly "it will be fun. I'm sure of it."

"If you say so" George chuckled to himself as he threw his weight down onto the sofa. Tucking into his breakfast.

Eleanor made her way over to the armchair and grabbed her breakfast from the bag too.

She couldn't help but think that George had completely forgotten about the events that occurred last night. He seemed completely fine and acting as if everything was completely normal.
As much as Eleanor wanted to bring it up, she didn't wanna be the first one to talk about it. So Instead, she reluctantly decided to leave it. As much as it pained her.


As the day went on, the two of them covered all of Eleanors furniture in sheets to prevent any of the paint spreading onto it and with that they got straight to work.
Eleanor waved her wand at the record player that she had set up over by the dining table and it started playing out upbeat music. Motivating the two of them to work harder.

George started painting the longest wall which was by the front door, where as Eleanor started painting the wall that was connected to her bedroom.

She had put on an old chequered shirt of hers, along with a pair of sweatpants.
She didn't really mind about ruining these, they were pretty ancient anyway.
George on the other hand was wearing an old grey coloured polo shirt, along with a pair of blue trousers.
And after a few hours in he was already covered in paint.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now