25. Drugged

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The silence between Fred and Eleanor was incredibly daunting. it seemed to go on forever as the cogs in her mind battled against what Fred had just said.
From having no memory of this ever occurring, Eleanor found it almost impossible to believe.

"Very funny Fred" Eleanor giggled "but you won't fool me with that one."

She continued to laugh to herself freely when she realised that Fred was not laughing along with her.
- usually when he was telling a joke he would be chuckling away. But this time, he remained silently sat there, a hurt expression on his face.

"Eleanor it's true." Fred sighed, rubbing his face frustratedly with his fingers "you dared her to do it."

"Why would I dare her to do something like that?" Eleanor gasped, her face dropping at the fact she realised Fred was being serious "did you kiss her back?"

The look on Fred's face was now frightful as he gently nodded back at Eleanor's question. he seemed ashamed of his actions and couldn't believe what he had done.

"This is going to sound like such a shit excuse but- I thought it was you" Fred sighed deeply "Before she did it she whispered in my ear saying it was you and when I looked around, there you were."

"You're meaning to tell me that Alicia magically had my face on hers?" Eleanor replied abruptly "Freddie please tell me now if this is a joke because this isn't right."

But he simply shook his head.

"Eleanor I'm sorry- I don't know what she did but it she had me thinking it was. You have to believe me. I would never do that to you."

And deep down Eleanor knew that he wouldn't. Fred had never done anything to hurt her, so why would he suddenly risk it all now?
- The cogs in Eleanor's mind worked harder now to process this new information but having no previous memory of the event, it made it harder to put the pieces together.

"Something isn't adding up" Eleanor remarked "why can't I remember anything you are saying?"

"But you seemed completely fine to me" Fred replied "you were laughing along and joining in with all the jokes."

Eleanor was seriously confused. This didn't sound like her at all and the more she thought about it. She actually couldn't remember anything from the evening whatsoever.

"My memory has been tweaked." Eleanor mumbled under her breath, standing up almost immediately.

Fred stood up with her, his arms at the ready as he realised how weak she was still from passing out.

"What do you mean your memory has been tweaked?" Fred replied curiously "el, please sit down-"

But she stormed out into the living room, grabbing her wand from the table and pulling on her shoes.

"Where are you going?" Fred sighed worriedly "let me come with you."

"We're going to the burrow." Eleanor stated, grabbing Fred's hand and pulling him straight into the floo network.

They immediately banished up into green flames as Eleanor threw the powder, speaking her destination clearly.
- Although it was halfway through the night, Molly would already be sensing that they were coming. She would know what to do.


Fred and Eleanor soon stepped out within a matter of seconds into the burrow living room where they found Molly and Arthur sat on the sofa waiting for them expectantly.
They were both wearing their dressing gowns along with their slippers and did not seem the slightest bit tired.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now