13. Opening day

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The next day came around quickly and Eleanor was up already up and out of bed by 8am.
She was bouncing around her apartment as she quickly got herself ready before rushing down to her shop. The brightness of day slowly began to shine through her windows and finally for the first time, Eleanor turned over the 'closed' sign on the door to 'open.'

"Finally" she breathed, taking a step back to observe her latest project. She couldn't believe that she had finally done it. As of today, she was now a business owner of 'perfectly imperfect.' Her very own little wand shop.

Eleanor made her way outside to pop out a sign she had ordered to capture people's attention. Hoping that it would be a way to get some customers in.

"It looks amazing Jonesy" a low toned voiced sounded out from just behind her.

But of course she already recognised who it was, turning around to see that fiery red haired boy that she adored so dearly.

"Thankyou George" she replied coyly, kissing him on the cheek "shouldn't you be at work?"

"My shift doesn't start for another fifteen minutes so I thought I would come by and wish you good luck." George explained, wrapping his arm around her waist "also I was wondering if you would like to celebrate tonight? Maybe go on that date that you agreed to?"

Eleanor blushed as he said this "I'd love nothing more. I'll be looking forward to it."

"Great!" He replied "and I know I'm not totally off the hook with you, but I promise I'll try my best to turn that around to tonight."

"We will see about that" Eleanor rolled her eyes teasingly "now go on, otherwise you'll be late. You know how Fred gets." and George nodded.

"Alright alright. I'm going." George stated, holding his hands up in surrender "but first I'm going to do this."

He grabbed Eleanor by the waist and pulled her into him, kissing her lips lovingly before pulling away.

"You can expect more of that tonight." George chuckled, brushing her face with his finger. "I'll see you later"

And with that he made his way down the street, getting lost in the crowd of people.

Eleanors heart was fluttering once again as she made her way back into the shop, standing behind the counter as she awaited her first customer.
Everything seemed almost as good as it did before but there was something missing.
She so desperately wanted to speak to Fred to find out what the matter with him was last night and why he left so abruptly but that would have to wait until she finished her day.

And that's when at last, her first customer finally walked in.
The bell on the door rang, sounding out through her shop as the person stepped inside, wiping their feet on the rug.

"Excuse me?" A small little boy spoke politely "are you open?"
And Eleanor nodded back at him kindly.

"I sure am." She replied "let me guess, you are here to collect your first wand, is that right?"

And the little boy nodded. "My mum told me to come on up here, she said you had just opened."

Eleanor beamed at the little boy as she came around the counter to be with him. "Well, let's do our best to get you sorted then. Do you have a name?"

"My Name is William. What's yours?" He said proudly, looking around the room.

"My name is Eleanor and I'm going to do my utmost to get you your first wand today"

And with that, Eleanors mind began to swivel. Her knowledge of wand law taking over as she began to think of all the possibilities that would most suit William.
Suddenly, she made her way over to the far shelf on the right, pulling out a rather long pastel blue box.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now