33. The Weasleys

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As Eleanor arrived into the familiar homely sight of the burrow, she immediately stepped out into the living room where she was met by the soft melody of Mrs Weasleys voice calling out from the kitchen.

She was humming to herself calmly as she did some baking.
Most of the decorations had been set up for Charlie's homecoming but there was still a few led around.

Eleanor made her way into the kitchen where Mrs Weasley met her presence straight away.

"Elly dear what a pleasant surprise." She called , holding her arms out in a welcoming embrace "I wasn't expecting you for a good few hours yet."

Elly was what Mrs Weasley used to call her when she was a child. A shorter name for Eleanor.

"I thought I'd come and help you out" Eleanor explained "I know there's always so much to do, so let me be your helping hand."

Mrs Weasley smiled from ear to ear at Eleanor. She seemed so pleased that someone had come to her aid.

"What would I do without you." Molly praised "good thing our Freddie has got you and if I were him, I'd never let you go!"

Eleanor couldn't help but blush at Mrs Weasley's words, she was always so kind to her no matter the circumstance, even when she had done something wrong somehow Molly always saw the light in it.

From just across the room, Eleanor grabbed a apron that was hanging up on the hooks next to the archway. It was a light baby pink colour with white dots all over it, presumably belonging to Ginny for when she helped out her mum with the cooking.
- Eleanor placed the apron around her, pulling it tightly across her waist so it wouldn't come undone before heading over to the kitchen side where she began to roll out some dough that Mrs Weasley had already prepared.

She had always loved cooking even as a little girl. It's what her and her mum used to do whenever she returned back home for the holidays.

"I've managed to make some icing as well" Mrs Weasley stated as she spread out a few individual bowls on the table "once the cookies are baked, we can decorate them."

"That's a great idea Mrs Weasley " Eleanor replied, smiling to herself.

With that, she continued to roll out the gingerbread dough until it was the perfect thickness.
- taking a cutter from the drawer to create the perfect shape.

Eleanor made a variation of gingerbread-men and gingerbread girls, pulling them out carefully once they were created.
- she set them delicately onto the tray before popping them into the oven where they would spend between 10-30 minutes cooking.

Whilst they were in the oven, Eleanor took it within her stride to clear everything up.
About 10 different pots and pans later sprawled out around the sink along with 13 bowls and 11 spoons.

Luckily, with such an amount this is where magic came in.
She removed her wand from her pocket and cast the cleaning charm, causing all the pots, pans and dishes to scrub them self squeaky clean.

"Oh well done dear!" Mrs Weasley praised as she came back into the room "whilst those are cooking, would you mind helping me put this banner up? Arthur is out in the shed and I'm afraid this job requires two."

Eleanor brushed her hands off onto her apron and nodded proudly.
Following Mrs Weasley to the outside of the house where they stood in front of the main door.

Molly removed her wand from out of her apron pocket where she pointed it down at the banner she laid on the floor, Eleanor following her actions.

A quick swish and flick of the wand, Eleanor and Mrs Weasley guided the banner up to sit nicely at the front of the house, reading in bright red bold letters

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now