55. Love Always Wins

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After leaving Fred waiting within his own frustrations, Eleanor made her way downstairs, smiling smugly to herself as she did so. She always felt so empowered when she left Fred waiting around like that, considering that is always what he used to do to her, although the control never seemed to last as long as she hoped for. He would always find a way to turn things around and make her completely weak at the knees, but was she complaining? absolutely not.

Lost within her own thoughts, Eleanor made her way into the kitchen where she found Ron and Hermione making what seemed to be hot chocolate.

"Hey El," Hermione said sweetly as she turned around to face the door "would you like a cup? we made just about enough to go around?"

Eleanor smiled at her and Ron, nodding her head appreciatively. "that would be great, thank you so much".

Taking a seat at the small rounded wooden table that sat in the middle of the room, Eleanor watched as Hermione pulled a duck egg-colored cup from out of the cupboard and began pouring her drink into it. The scent of the rich chocolaty substance soon reached Eleanor's nose and just from that made her stomach growl immensely. - Of course, Hermione being her sweet and innocent self, Eleanor watched as she swirled a pile of cream on top whilst adding a few marshmallows and sprinkles before handing over her handiwork that she was quite clearly impressed by.

"there". she smiled, placing down the cup in front of Eleanor. "I'm just going to hand some around to the others. i hope you like it."

Hermione continued to pile the rest of the cups onto a small tray before making her way elegantly out of the room. She was always so kind when it came to things like this, always putting others before herself but somehow always managing to stay on top. Not something Eleanor ever found easy. - Taking the cup that Hermione had placed in front of her into her hands, the temperature was just right. She could smell the sweetness of the chocolate floating up to her nose as she brought it closer to her lips. Gradually she took a sip and immediately she was completely gobsmacked by the perfect concoction.

"I had the exact same reaction too" Ron chuckled as he looked over to Eleanor from the other side of the kitchen "I love it when Hermione makes these, I don't know how but she is always so good at everything she does".

Eleanor raised her eyebrows at Ron as he spoke about Hermione so highly and as soon as he realized, his cheeks flushed a bright shade of pink. "um, don't tell her I said that.."

Not being able to hold back her giggle, Eleanor let out a small gasp before pushing her palm over her mouth. "your secret is safe with me Ronald." and within that same moment, Fred finally came to join them.

"Oh so this is where you went," he smirked as he walked behind her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "enjoying that are we?"

Eleanor smiled as she swallowed another sip and looked up at him sweetly. "it's actually amazing, you should really try-"

But before Eleanor could even finish her sentence, Fred took the cup right out of her hands and began taking a sip before finishing off the whole lot.

"Hey!" Eleanor exclaimed with a shocked but not surprised expression on her face "that was mine!"

"Well I guess not anymore" Fred chuckled as he placed the now empty cup back down in front of her "Now if you're quite done, I was wondering if you'd like to go up the ski lift to the mountains, I've heard its quite the view up there when the sun is setting."

Eleanor looked up at Fred and smiled sweetly "I would love to! let me just go and grab my coat and some different footwear."

Standing up from where she was sat, Eleanor made her way quickly out of the room and up the stairs of the lodge. If they were going to go up to the mountains then she was definitely going to be needing extra layers. - Flipping open her suitcase, she brought out an extra sweater along with a few pairs of socks and her thick winter jacket. "This should do" she smiled as she placed the layers on top of the ones she was already wearing. In her pocket she knew she had her bobble hat and gloves so as she made her way back down the stairs, she fiddled her gloves onto her hands and tried her best to wedge the hat onto her head without ruining her hair, and that's when she overheard the soft murmurs of Fred and Ron having a discussion in the next room.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now