48. Thoughts within thoughts

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Warning- this chapter contains a intense and descriptive sex scene that some views may find uncomfortable, read at own discretion


The night with the gang seemed to pass by Eleanor faster than she wanted it too.
Knowing that she was going to be away from them all, especially Fred for a whole weekend made her feel a little uncertain causing her to spend most of her time worrying about how quick the time was flying by and less time actually enjoying herself.

As they usually would, they all sat around the living room, digging into food, blasting music and laughing over stupid things that any normal person wouldn't even remotely find funny if they were to come in.
But that was the benefit of all of them being friends, they were the perfect fit.

Eleanor sat on the main sofa cuddled up under Fred's arm whilst she watched and lightly chuckled at Ginny and Harry doing some sort of stupid dance in front of the fireplace.
They were both giggling with one another happily as Harry spun her around and danced in time with the music, allowing Ron and Hermione to cheer them on.

But even with all that going on around her, Eleanor remained sat there silently, feelingly slightly melancholy and withdrawn.

"Are you alright?" Fred whispered, his voice soft and velvety as he leant down to her ear "you don't seem yourself tonight"

Eleanor turned her face towards him, forcing a smile as best she could.

"I guess I just didn't realise how much I'll miss you when I'm gone"

Fred's eyes slightly glazed over as a gushing smile took over his face. Although feeling touched by Eleanor's words, he still felt concerned for her.

"Come here you"

Wrapping Eleanor up into his arms, he gradually brought her gently to her feet, trying his best to take her mind off of the trip tomorrow.

Eleanor held onto his hand willingly, rolling her eyes and trying not to smile at whatever it was he was trying to do. And with that, he pulled her along to where Ginny and Harry were dancing and took her in by the waist.

"Wait wait wait!!" Ginny squealed, seemingly quite excited that the couple decided to join them "if you two are up and dancing then we definitely need a different song and I know just the one."

From where she was stood, Ginny practically sprinted across the room to change the record, not hesitating to choose the song which was in a fact a very loud and upbeat rock number.

Immediately running back to join the others, she eventually managed to pull Ron and Hermione up from where they were sat, practically forcing them to dance.

Everyone started moving, singing and jumping up and down with the beat of the song and even now, Eleanor's smile started to crack on her face. Gradually lightening up to enjoy the party.

Fred raised his eyebrows at her as he spun her around, seemingly releasing that she was now in fact laughing.

"Is that a smile I see Jonesy?" He teased, pulling her close to him. "Because if it is then I believe that I've done my job"

Scrunching her nose at him and rolling her eyes, Eleanor reluctantly replied saying "Shutup you". Knowing full well that he did exactly what he intended to do.

Shooting her back a quick but loving smile, the whole group turned to each-other so they were in a circle and took hold of one another's hands.Kicking their legs and stupidly moving, not having a simplest care in the world.

With that, they continued to party, drink and dance all night until it was just about enough to make anyone feel completely exhausted.
Ginny and Harry were the first to disappear into the night and as they were saying goodbye to Fred, Eleanor took a moment to pull Hermione briefly aside.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now