37. Girls just wanna have fun

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The next day, Eleanor and Fred woke up together as they usually would inside the cosy surroundings of Eleanors apartment.
This time, instead of Fred getting up to make the tea, Eleanor decided to take it within her stride to make breakfast for him for a change.

She sluggishly made her way out into the kitchen as she wrapped her dressing gown around her, yawning as she went.

The brightness of day was bursting through the windows, lighting up the apartment as Eleanor waved her wand and turned the kettle on, making a cup float out from inside the cupboard along with a plate.
Times like these was when magic most came in handy as you could practically make anything without having to do any of it yourself.

Soon enough the tea was made and Eleanor took a quick sip of hers, bringing her around from the sleep she had just arose from.
There was nothing better than a warm tea in the morning.

Eleanor took a tray out from the bottom cupboard and loaded it up with a plate of toast along with their drink, carrying it into the bedroom where Fred had seemingly fallen back asleep.

She smiled to herself contently as she placed down the tray onto his bedside table and sat on the edge to softly wake him up.
Eleanor placed a kiss onto his cheek and then onto his forehead, slowly bringing him around.

"Morning you" Eleanor spoke in a low whisper "I've brought you some tea and toast."

Fred smiled from ear to ear as he stretched, his eyes still closed as he gradually brought himself to sit up.
Finally, he looked at her, his eyes glazed with sleep and marks of the pillow drawn into his face.

"Good morning darling" he replied, his voice raspy and deep from where he had just woken up.

As always, butterflies flew around her stomach. Something about his sweet sultry voice always made Eleanor feel overwhelmed.

She passed Fred his tea from the tray and a slice of toast on a small China plate.
It felt nice to finally do something for him after everything he always did for her.

"Thankyou Jonesy" Fred said softly "Now this is a nice surprise"

"Well you always make breakfast for me so thought I should do it for you. Especially after what I put your through yesterday." Eleanor smirked as she finished of her tea, placing it back down onto the bedside table.

Fred smiled to himself mischievously, giving Eleanor that look as if to say 'you have no idea what I have in store for you.'
- and of course Eleanor couldn't wait.

She got up from the bed and undid her dressing gown, letting it fall down to the floor, leaving her in just her underwear.
Fred's eyes followed her every move, observing her body from afar. he knew what she was trying to do.

Eleanor smiled to herself as she bent over in front of him, practically making Fred stare at her arse as she got something from the bottom drawer.
Quietly behind her, he let out a knowing cough and as Eleanor pulled out a clean set of clothes from the drawer she spun around to face Fred who was now led there with a promiscuous bulge pressing through underneath the sheets.

"You know exactly what you're doing, don't you Jonesy?" Fred smirked, his tongue pushing into the side of his cheek.

And Eleanor licked her lips "of course I do. Now if you don't mind I'm going off for a shower."

Cockily, Eleanor left the room, heading into the shower where she smiled to herself.
Somehow she had gotten the upper hand at this and she was loving every single minute.


As Fred set off down to the shop for the day, Eleanor was welcoming her two new additions to the team.
Olivia and Julia.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now