58. eternal plans

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4 days later

After what was an extremely well-needed break, the group of friends returned back to their homes in London and found themselves resuming life as usual.

Eleanor and Fred took the decision to move his belongings into her apartment, considering after all this time he had spent nearly every single night with her. Luckily, George wouldn't be alone. Although it seemed rather quick, he found himself in a relationship with Olivia and it was pretty easy to see that they were practically made for each other. Who would have thought?

For now, life seemed pretty good. Eleanor returned back to work where sales were taking off better than ever and Things with Fred and George's joke shop were busier than usual but despite all that, the wedding plans didn't seem to work out as much as they wanted it to.


"El, I think it would be better if we maybe had a smaller wedding, do we really need that many people there?" Fred sighed as he placed his hand to his forehead.

"That's literally our friends and family Fred, how am I supposed to narrow that down?"

For what they assumed would be an easy discussion, Eleanor and Fred found themselves struggling to come to any sort of decision.

"I just think it would be better if we kept it simple. you know? let's not go over the top" Fred mumbled, doing his best to keep an open mind.

"I have been saying to keep it simple this whole time but whatever I suggest you don't like." Eleanor sighed as she fell back onto the sofa with her pen and notepad in hand. "this is hopeless."

The apartment around them fell silent as they both sat there quietly surrounding in their own thoughts. It had been exhausting trying to come up with ideas that they were both happy with, along with the stresses of work, that didn't help to contribute towards it either. - Taking a deep breath, Eleanor began looking through the notepad where she had listed and crossed things of where Fred hadn't agreed with them. She flicked to the next page and it was the exact same, they had gotten nowhere with this and it didn't help that they were both super stubborn.

"we're going to sort this out sweetheart, I promise," Fred said softly as he moved across the apartment to where Eleanor was sat, wrapping his hand into hers as he placed himself down next to her.

"I know" Eleanor sighed as she leaned her head onto his shoulder "just right now it feels impossible. How are we ever going to agree?"

Fred silently stroked her hand with his thumb as he thought about how they could eventually come up with some form of plan when it finally out of nowhere hit him.

"I think I might have an idea," he said in an unsure tone, slightly straightening his posture.

"you don't sound very sure about this idea" Eleanor replied as she looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"that's because I'm not" Fred chuckled as he grabbed Eleanor by the hand and pulled her up along with him as he stood "I'm probably going to regret this too."

Allowing Fred to yank her along, he pulled her into the fireplace where he grabbed a handful of Floo powder and called out the destination of the burrow. With a sudden flash of a green flame and a puff of smoke, they quickly disappeared and reappeared at the other end, revealing the cozy surroundings of the living room burrow.

"what are we doing here?" Eleanor said curiously as she looked up at Fred but before he could even get a word in, Mrs. Weasley appeared from out of nowhere and greeted them wholeheartedly.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now