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Hello everyone,

I really am not the type of person to complain about anything or have to come out and write something but some comments that I have been seeing recently are starting to get slightly irritating.

A lot of you have made comments comparing Alicia to zina from golden boy or telling me that I should make her Veela or that I should make a George and lee scenario but I'm sorry to let you down, that won't ever be happening.

That work strictly belongs to golden boy and I will never copy @boyifyouknew.
That is her story. So please don't expect me to turn my story into hers because mine is my own.

If you don't like it then you simply don't have to read it.

Just because Alicia is another bitchy female character doesn't mean she automatically becomes Zina.
It's not nice having your own work constantly compared to someone else's or constantly hearing about golden boy when it's supposed to be my own work.

As an author it makes you feel like what you're doing isn't good enough and I try my hardest every day to make sure I have a chapter out for you but I think for now I'm going to take a little break.

Ive done my best to ignore them and delete them when they come up but recently they have gone beyond overwhelming.

Please in future, respect my work. Respect the plot twists that I spend endless hours trying to come up with along with all the new characters I bring in and stop comparing my characters to others.

I just want to write a fanfic that everyone will enjoy, not constantly have to be demoralised by people who prefer golden boy.

I love Fred and George as much as the next person but it doesn't mean they belong to one story.

Both our fanfics are completely different, with the only similarities being that it contains smut and a strong leading main character along with an enemy character.


Many of you have supported me and stuck up for me but just thought I should speak out myself.
I also love golden boy I think it's a magnificent story but I will never copy it! So stop asking me too.

Please be mindful.

Thankyou and love you all.
Will post the next chapter when I feel up to it.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now