10. The calm before the storm

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It was safe to say that Eleanor was harshly pitying herself as she got inside of her bed and remained there cosied up for the rest of the day, dreading the moment that George came knocking.
She wouldn't know what to say to him, let alone express the way she felt when she saw him earlier.
It was all to much to deal with so soon.

Eleanors shop was due to open tomorrow and she still had so much to do.
The designs she sent off had not yet come back to her and the wands had not yet been delivered. Not to mention, she still did not have a name for her business.

"Urghh" Eleanor screamed into her pillow frustratedly, still sobbing slightly from before.

Her eyes were now red and puffy and her head pounded from how much she had worked herself up.
Tissues surrounded her as she blew her nose profusely, creating quite the self wallowing theme.

Just as she thought that everything was going according to plan, everything came suddenly falling apart.
And that was the least of her worries when a light knock came from the door.

She quickly pulled the duvet up over her head and pretended as if she wasn't there.
Shutting her eyes tightly, holding her breath as if not to make a sound.

"Alohomora" a deeply toned voiced mumbled through the walls, as the clunk of the lock echoed throughout Eleanors apartment.

"Oh god" she whispered to herself, doing her best to remain completely silent.

The sound of footsteps began pacing towards her bedroom door, becoming increasingly louder as if to scare her, before coming to a silent stop outside of the room.
A knock sounding out again.

"Who is it?" Eleanor gulped, her voice cracking as she poked the top of her head out of the sheets.

"It's Fred" the voice replied. "Is everything alright?"

A wash of relief came over Eleanor as she sat up in her bed, breathing heavily.

"Come in" she called.

Her bedroom door swung open, revealing the red haired twin Fred coming around.
It was menacing how much they looked alike, making Eleanor slightly angry as she imagined George standing in front of her.
And when Fred saw her puffy eyes, his face softened and his eyes  grew full of worry.

"El? What's the matter?" He questioned, coming to sit on the edge of the bed next to Eleanor. "Tell me everything?"

Eleanor sniffed loudly as she pressed another tissue to her nose. "Look Fred, I need to be honest with you about something and it may not be easy to believe but please hear me out."

Fred nodded compliantly as he took her hand into his, stroking it reassuringly with his thumb. "You know you can tell me anything Jonesy."

And with that, Eleanor stopped at nothing to explain to Fred what her and George had been up to for the past few days, not forgetting to leave the part out where she had caught him earlier with Alicia.

Fred's  knuckles whitened as he listened to the utter betrayal his brother had caused to Eleanor. He hated seeing her upset and if anything he hated when his brother acted out of line.

"Are you definitely sure it was him?" Fred asked for the third time.
Doing his best to not believe that his brother could do such a thing and Eleanor nodded.

"Yes I'm sure. I think I would know what he looks like by now." Eleanor replied, justifying her point.

She watched Fred's jaw tense as he started to become slightly more frustrated, running his fingers through his golden hair as he huffed.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now