14. Burning love

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WARNING: this scene may be uncomfortable for some readers

Finally, Eleanors first day eventually came to a close and it was safe to say that she was absolutely livid for the remainder of it.
Alicia knew how to get under her skin and it only made her more tempted to think of things to come up with for next time.
What Eleanor found most intriguing was the fact that she was engaged but still completely obsessing over George. It was ludicrous.

The thought bashed around in Eleanors mind as she tidied up the shop, flipping over the sign to 'close' and heading up towards her apartment.
She didn't have long to get ready for her date with George, so she quickly jumped in the shower, washed her hair and began picking out an outfit to wear but instead a sense of mischievousness came into Eleanors mind.
She decided that she had different plans for them tonight.

From the drawer, she picked out her most seductive pair of lingerie.
A dark red Lacy bra with matching underwear and suspenders. She slipped them on gently,wrapping her silk robe around her so George wouldn't see. Keeping it a surprise.
Eleanor lit some candles around her bedroom to set the scene and waited for George on the edge of the bed to come in.

As time slowly ticked by, the later and later it became, the evening sunset from the windows fading into the darkness of night.
There remained Eleanor patiently waiting on her bed, waiting for him to come.
She didn't want to overthink it but part of her believed that he may no longer be coming or that he was still stuck up in work, she tried her best to remain hopeful.

Coincidentally that was the same moment she heard her front door swing open.

Eleanor brushed her fingers through her hair before leaning back to rest on her palms. Doing her best to look desirable.

The bedroom door began to open and as the person appeared around the door, Eleanor soon realised that it wasn't George. It was Fred.

"Oh fuck" fred gasped as his eyes fell on Eleanor, spotting her suspenders hanging out from underneath her robe, realising what she was doing.

"Shit Fred, don't you know how to knock?" Eleanor exclaimed, grabbing her duvet and throwing it across her. "I could of been doing anything in here."

"I'm sorry,I didn't know." Fred replied, looking the other way, shielding his face slightly.

Eleanor could tell that Fred was almost tempted to sneak another peak at her as his eyes flickered from side to side.
She couldn't help but smirk to herself, feeling completely irresistible.

"I just came to tell you that George can't make it tonight. He's got caught up with something but wouldn't tell me what." Fred explained, still looking the other way. Being totally respectful

Eleanor should of known this would of happened, first Alicia coming into her shop and now all of this. She found herself almost wanting to know, in fact, she needed to know.

"Did Alicia come into your shop earlier?" Eleanor questioned curiously, raising her brow.

"You mean 'spill-it'?" Fred replied "as a matter of fact she did. Didn't buy anything though, seemingly just came into flirt with George."

Eleanor felt her frustration build up inside of her again, rolling her head back in annoyance.
She couldn't believe how this bitch was acting, especially knowing that Alicia knew that her and George had a thing going on and the worst part was is that George seemed completely captivated by her.

"Did you see George leave at all? Eleanor sighed as she looked back up at Fred, But he didn't answer.
Instead he just stood there shuffling his feet awkwardly. He definitely knew something.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now