45. Troubles afloat

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Warning: this chapter contains content that some readers may find uncomfortable such as Graphic sex scenes and violence.
Read at own discretion


Theo was so now so totally different compared to what he was in school, he had this charming British accent that could practically entice any girl he spoke to, not to mention his twinkling green eyes.
He stood there with his gorgeous smirk looking down at Eleanor, practically making her fall weak at the knees but it didn't stop the fact of her remembering what he did to her.

"What are you doing here Theo?" Eleanor sighed, crossing her arms in front of her "you really shouldn't be here."

Eleanor reluctantly looked out of the window, hoping to see Fred outside who would enter practically fuming but unfortunately he didn't, leaving Eleanor to deal with just him alone.

"Well I didn't know you owned this place if I'm being honest." Theo said softly as he looked around at the shop "I work for the ministry now and my job is to check in on all the businesses."

Eleanor rolled her eyes and scoffed as she bent down to pick up one of the boxes.

"Ah, you're one of them are you." She giggled, making her way around the counter "so are you here to do a review or something?"

And Theo nodded.
Somehow he seemed practically less fussed by his work as he couldn't help but admire Eleanor up and down. Much like he usually would when they dated back in school.

"Sorry if I'm being forward, but you're looking more gorgeous than ever" Theo said roughly, his large hands pressing onto the counter.

Eleanor looked down to see his fingers decorated with many rings. The attractive sight of his veins pulsing out from within his hand causing her to blush stupidly. but she quickly shook her head.

"Why are you saying this after what you did to me? You never apologised?"

A sense of withdrawal and hurt came over Theo as his confident expression dropped.
It seemed that after Eleanor bringing it up, he still hadn't forgiven himself either.

"I know" Theo said softly, his eyes now meaningful as he looked at Eleanor "I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for what I put your through, I had no right to take my anger out on you."

Back in school, when things were at their peak with Harry and Voldemort. Theo found himself spending a lot of time with Draco malfoy, along with the rest of that group.
Evidently being a Slytherin that's where he was most likely to be anyway but coincidentally that's how he came to meet Eleanor.

She was studying in the library when she couldn't seem to reach a book and just as she was about to pull her wand out, Theo stepped in and brought it down for her.
Most of the time after that they spent most of their time together but it wasn't until Eleanor found out that both his parents were death eaters and he started taking his anger against his own family issues out on Eleanor physically that they decided to break it off.
Well it was more to the fact, Fred and George found out and practically beat the living shit out of him.

"You put me through hell Theo" Eleanor sighed, thinking back to all the miserable times she spent crying "but I won't lie, we did have some good times."

This seemed to perk Theo up again a little bit as his confident stature returned back to normal.

"Yeah we definitely did" he smirked "it's still not an excuse though, I'm truly sorry angel and hope that you can put it past us now. Id like to think I've changed a lot now."

And reluctantly Eleanor believed it, she smiled up at him reassuringly, giving him a glance of forgiveness before indulging herself back into the box she was focusing on.
As much as she wanted to chat, just looking at him was almost hard enough. She felt guilty having the sensation of the flutters coursing all over her body when she met Theo's eyes, so she tried her best not to meet his gaze.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now