52. Falling all over again

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The next few days were extremely difficult...and not just for Eleanor but for everyone that loved and knew her.

From the injuries Theo had caused her, Olivia and Julia took her straight to St.Mungos, where she spent the next 4 days, being constantly checked over and looked after.
- Covered in burns, bruises, cuts and marks, Eleanor's body was more broken that she originally thought out to be.
Sub-staining two broken ribs from being kicked, a ruptured eye socket, 2nd degree burn marks on her back and a severe amount of minor bruises and cuts.

Everyone was completely devastated when they found out about what Theo had been doing to her and only making it worse, the nurses at St.Mungos decided that it was best for her to not have visitors right away.

The amount Eleanor had been through, only made sense for them to do that, but with her mental health still being somewhat healthy enough and her injuries healing well from the powers of the doctors.

She was finally aloud people in....


Waking up in that strangely bright little room was extremely relieving for Eleanor as she sat herself up for the first time. Still whimpering slightly at the pain of her injuries.
Surrounding her was numerous bouquets of flowers, not to mention 'get well soon' cards and plenty of gifts.

It was really touching to see how many people cared about her and as the nurse walked in, dressed in her Lime green robes, she placed a tray of perfectly well
prepared food in front of her.

"How are you feeling today Miss jones?" The young blonde headed nursed asked politely, pulling back the curtains to reveal the light of day "There is quite the line of people to see you outside."

Smiling up at the nurse, Eleanor quite liked the fact that she was going to have company, that was all she had been asking for ever since she got admitted here. Especially Fred.

"I'm not feeling too bad today...in fact, much better" Eleanor replied, her voice still a-bit croaky "please, can I just see whoever is here..."

The nurse raised an eyebrow at her with a smug smile on her face. "Alright, but let me help you with your hair first."

Smiling brightly at her, the kind nurse leaned over the bed and helped scrape Eleanor's hair back gently into a ponytail, making her seem more put together and  not so much like she had been tortured for the past 3 days.
It was hard enough Eleanor knowing what she had been through let alone having others witness and see how pale she looked and damaged.

"There" she beamed, pulling away "just to warn you, the first person you have to talk to is in fact the minister of magic. He needs to know your account of things before you speak to anyone else."

Eleanor sighed to herself as she rolled her eyes, Kingsley would no doubt talk for ages and she couldn't be dealing with that since she just wanted to see her friends, that's all she cared about.

"Fine, send him in." Eleanor stated, watching the nurse walk out of the room to fetch him.

It didn't take long for the Sharp, well put together man to enter the room. He was wearing long purple elegant robes, matching with a slightly darker indigo hat.

"Eleanor!" He gasped, making his way over to sit in the chair next to her bedside..."how are you feeling?"

The look on his face was daunting as his eyes glazed over as if she was some sort of doll. Broken and dismantled.
You could see him observe the marks and bruises that were still stained on her skin which made Eleanor feel uncomfortable and conscious of the things she had been through.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now