26. Three words

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Warning: this chapter contains inappropriate content for some readers


Eleanor felt herself become slightly giddy as she came to recognise what Fred had just said to her.
- did he really just say that he loved her? Or had she not heard that right.
A smile came rushing over Eleanor's face as she crashed herself into Fred's lips. A smile pressed firmly on her mouth as she did so.
This was the first time they had a officially said those three magic words.

"I love you too Freddie!" Eleanor replied, mumbling in between kisses before pulling away to see his face.

It was safe to say Fred was proud of himself as he stood their beaming down at Eleanor. His cheeky handsome smirk spreading widely from one corner to the other.

"I've been wanting to say that for a while now" Fred chuckled loosely, stroking Eleanor's face with his finger "just never knew when the right time was."

Eleanor smiled up at him, her happiness completely peaked. "Well from now on, I hope you never stop saying it."

They both stood there for a while simply enjoying one another's company, staring lovingly into each others eyes.
Time around them seemed to slow for a moment. With everything going on, it all seemed to disappear. It was just them in the room. Nobody else.

"Now" Eleanor cooed, placing her hand on Fred's chest. A seductive smile pressed firmly onto her face "I think it's about time I got my own back."

Fred stared down at her with a raised curious brow. his arms still wrapped around her tightly.

"What do you mean jones-"

But before Fred could ever finish, Eleanor tugged him down by his collar, bringing his lips to meet hers in a desperate but passionate kiss.
She immediately began to unbutton his shirt in frustration, pulling it off of hum slightly aggressively, allowing it to fall down to the floor.

Eleanor remembered how Fred said that she shouldn't start something that she couldn't finish. And that made her eager to prove him wrong. Especially with her libido peaked. She wanted to show Fred just how she good she was, get back at Alicia for taking her man and reliever herself from all the built up tension.

She pushed Fred back slowly towards the living room, kissing him as she went.
He laced his hands all over her body, feeling the warmth of her skin press against his.
- as they reached the fireplace, Eleanor pushed Fred down to the floor, where she got on top of him, straddling his hips with her legs.

"Looks like I have the upper hand tonight Freddie" Eleanor said mischievously, bending over to kiss him again.
Fred pushed his tongue into her mouth eagerly, letting out small gasps of pleasure in between.
- but Eleanor knew she had shown him nothing yet.

She pulled her wand out from her pocket and held it in her palm as she placed Fred's wrists together and brought them up above his head.
He smirked at her mischievously, not saying a word as he allowed her to do whatever she wanted.

"Incancerious" Eleanor stated, making two ropes rapidly appear around Fred's wrists.

"I like where this is going" he remarked in a raspy tone. Eyeing Eleanor's body up and down with his eyes.

She smirked back at him as she came to sit up again, seductively undoing her shirt buttons, revealing more and more of herself as she went.
Fred watched lustfully, unable to take his eyes of the area as she removed her shirt and bra, revealing her bare chest.

Eleanor lowered herself down to him again, their nakedness touching each-others warm skin as she leant into to his hear.

"No touching until I say so." She whispered, her breath flailing onto his neck.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now