16. The games are on

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"Oh my gosh Ginny! It's been so long since I've seen you" Alicia exclaimed as she made her way over to her, hugging her tightly.

"What the fuck does she think she is doing?" Eleanor whispered to Fred as they sat with one another.

"Your guess is as good as mine" Fred replied as they watched Alicia make her way around the group, hugging them as she went.

"Oh and ellie, you're place is so... tasteful" Alicia remarked as she observed the walls, taking a seat on George's lap as he rested on the armchair on the other side of the room. "It really has character."

Ginny raised an eyebrow at her as she took a sip of her drink.
Everyone was feeling slightly uncomfortable as the atmosphere became more intense as the evening went on.
Eleanor didn't know what George was playing at but this was a dangerous game.

"What a Peculiar picture you have on the wall" Alicia said as she pointed at it "is it a unicorn?"

Eleanor looked over to the far wall by the kitchen where she knew the painting was hanging.

"Well spotted" Fred whispered sarcastically making Eleanor giggle.

"Yes it is a unicorn. It's my patronus." Eleanor explained as she smiled at it warmly.

"Hmm" Alicia scoffed "mine is a swan. Very graceful creatures so I guess I have one up on you."

She watched as Alicia giggled to herself, seemingly loving the little remarks she was making.
Eleanor was doing everything she could to keep herself composed, drinking more to distract her from Alicia's behaviour.

George seemed to be keeping himself to himself as he wrapped his arms around Alicia's waist, holding her close to him as they sat there.

"Sorry to intrude but aren't you engaged?" Hermione piped up, looking at Alicia with a raised eyebrow.

You could see the panic flare over in Alicias eyes as she tried quickly to come up with an excuse so nobody would bat an eyelid.
The ring she once wore on her engagement finger was now gone.

"Unfortunately me and Justin just didn't end up working out, so I called off the engagement." Alicia explained as she slipped her hand into George's.

"Didnt take you long to move on then." Ron snickered causing the rest of the group to burst out into laughter.

You could see the irritation take over Alicia's face as the group practically mocked her.
She did deserve it after all.

"Well I'm just sorry that things didn't work out for you and George, Eleanor." Alicia stated "I know that you two were close"

Ginny and Hermione immediately swivelled their heads to look at Eleanor.
The cheek of Alicia was baffling but Eleanor knew how to play her at her own game.

"It's okay." Eleanor replied as she interlinked her fingers into Fred's, holding his hand "things worked out just fine."

Alicias face tightened as she looked down to see them holding hands. Seemingly more angered than ever.

"Well isn't that just adorable." Alicia said, gritting her teeth.

Eleanor knew she had struck a nerve with Alicia and that made her all the more happy.
But even though George was with her, he seemed surprisingly shocked at his brother and her holding hands, in some ways he even seemed hurt.

The group began gently engaging in conversation with each other. Doing their best to avoid talking to Alicia but whatever they did, she'd somehow find her way to butt in.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now