11. Two truths, one lie.

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Eleanor stood up sternly from her bed as she turned to face George, Fred following just behind her in case anything kicked off between them.

"I leave you for no more than a few hours and I come back to find you with my brother?" George questioned sarcastically, squinting his eyes at Eleanor "I don't understand."

Eleanor could feel her blood beginning to boil inside of her as he said this. She couldn't believe how rude he was being.

"Are you being serious?" She gasped "Fred was here making sure that I was alright. Don't bring him into this."

George scoffed and rolled his eyes. "It didn't seem like that when I came in here and you both are cosied up on your bed."

"Oh yeah?" Eleanor snickered "Tell me George, how's Alicia doing?"

Suddenly George's expression changed from a serious type of frustration to a whole amount of guilt.

"I- El, that wasn't how it was supposed to come across ." George stuttered, flicking his eyes from her to his brother "cmon, you know me better than that."

"Do I?" Eleanor stated, shaking her head at him doubtfully. "You know George, I'm so fucking tired of having to wait around for you every single time you doing something wrong because you know no matter what you do, I'll always be there to forgive you. I know what I saw, please don't stand there and lie to me."

"I'm not I swear!" George said, taking a step closer to Eleanor but she gently backed away.
"Look if you'd just let me explain..."

But Eleanor shook her head. "What is there to say? Last night you fuck me and then I wake up to find you not even there. I parade around the street desperately searching for you like an idiot, only to find you down the alley cuddling up to Alicia."

"Eleanor please-" George whimpered "you just saw it at the wrong time. We were just laughing together and catching up on old times-"

But Eleanor quickly cut him off.

"So you call holding her hand and pressing her up against a wall as you lean over her 'catching up' do you?" Eleanor cried, becoming increasingly angered. "God I can't believe you."

George's eyes started to become slightly teary as he realised how upset Eleanor was "I know how it must of looked but that's seriously not the case, we were just playing around because we have this inside joke..."

But Eleanor couldn't take anymore. She didn't want to listen she had enough.

"I think you should just leave George." Eleanor said lowly, looking him dead in the eye "I can't talk about this right now when I'm so angry with you."

George looked so pained when she said this, a lone tear silently falling down his cheek and just as he went to speak his brother cut in.

"Georgie, just go." He said respectfully. "This isn't the best time to do this. You both need some time."

"Fine." He replied shortly.

Reluctantly looking at Eleanor one last time before making his way out of her apartment. Slamming the door behind him.

Eleanor let out a huge sigh as she sat down on the edge of her bed, placing her head to rest on her palms.

"Why does this shit always happen to me?"

Fred's reassuring arm wrapped around her waist as he came to comfort her. "Is there anything I can do to make it better?"

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now