38. Drink and tease

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Once all the girls had arrived, Ginny immediately began pouring them a generous amount of wine into each of their glasses, pretty much filling it up to the brim. They all knew that there was no holding back tonight, so why not make the most of it.

They had all taken to different areas of Eleanors room to get ready as they blasted loud music from the record player. Currently playing was 'Gimme Gimme Gimme' by Abba.

Ginny was Ready before any of them as she stood on Eleanors bed singing and dancing aloud to herself as the others watched and laughed.

They had all agreed to wear extremely slinky dresses as that's what Gabriela had asked.
Although Hermione was at a bit of an Impasse as she owned nothing of the sort.

"Just take any dress from my wardrobe that you like Hermione" Eleanor giggled "I think there's a pretty red one in there that would suit you."

Eleanor watched Hermione in the reflection of her mirror as she sorted through her wardrobe. She could tell by her surprised look that she had never worn anything like these sort of dresses before.

Eventually, they all managed to get their makeup on and do their hair when they finally met in the middle of the room to discuss their outfit choices.
As Gabriela was the bride-to-be she chose to wear this beautiful silk white dress that came half-way down her thigh which also hung low at the back as well.
Hermione had chosen a deep red spaghetti strap dress that had a slit on either side of the leg.
And of course, Ginny was already wearing her beautiful navy ribbed dress that had gems pressed all over into it. The dress meshed beautifully with her golden hair.

Finally, Eleanor had taken to wearing this low cut black silk corset dress that crossed over on the back. Not to mention that the length was incredibly short , matching it with black heels.

"All you girls look amazing!" Gabriela giggled as she took another sip of wine "Thank-you so much for doing this for me"

Ginny jumped down from her standing position on the bed to the floor as she came over to stand with the rest of the girls.

"Of course! We live for things like this" Ginny laughed, as she held up her drink "A toast to tonight"

Eleanor and Hermione looked at each-other with knowing smirks as they already realised how the drink was starting to get the better of Ginny.

"Cheers" Gabriela giggled and they all clinked their glasses together, taking a considerable sip of their wines, polishing them off nicely.

"Right, I think it's time to go ladies." Gabriela smiled "let's go."

The group of girls gradually made their way out into the living room where the fireplace was, all giggling and giddy from the drink they had just consumed. Just about enough to loosen them up for some dancing and some well earned fun.

"All together then! " Eleanor beamed as she took a handful of the floo powder into her hand.
The girls followed in, cramping into the small space that there was and with a quick flash, they arrived into the dark gloomy surroundings of the leaky cauldron.

"Don't worry, it's just through here" giggled Gabriela as she led them through one of the archways and up a couple of steps.

They found themselves stood in front of a large painting with a man sat on a stool.

"Password" he said briefly, looking around the group all dressed up. Eyeing each of them individually.

It took a moment for Gabriela to answer as she slowly leaned In and whispered.


With that, the painting reluctantly swung open, revealing a distant sound of beating music and the soft glows of flashing lights.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now