3. Discovering you

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The following morning, Eleanor laid sprawled sluggishly across the long corner sofa with the blankets that were once covering her in a pile on the floor.
It was safe to say that the effects of last nights antics had definitely taken its toll on her, since It had been a while she drunk that much.

She used to always be able to handle drinking with the twins on occasion but she supposed that she was a-bit out of practice now.

After a while Eleanor eventually came too, sitting up and stretching her arms lazily above her.
It took a moment for her eyes to open and adjust to the sudden brightness of day that shon through the windows.
Eleanor rubbed her blurry eyes and began looking around the room in search for the time.


"Urghh" Eleanor groaned as she slapped the pillow over her head. "I've slept for ages and yet I still feel tired."

She turned over to lay on her back as she stared up absentmindedly at the ceiling. Her hair was a mess around her and the last nights smell of alcohol lingered over her breath.

Eleanor could not help but think about reuniting with George again. It almost seemed too good to be true and she knew that she wasn't dreaming when she noticed George nearing a bit closer to her at times as well as the few flirtatious glances.
Whatever it meant, she sure wasn't going to put a stop to it.

With that small amount of motivation Eleanor pulled back the sheets and dragged herself out of bed. Well, the sofa.

As she stood, her legs wobbled slightly, proving to her she might be more hungover than she thought.

"Those bloody twins!" Eleanor giggled as she made her way straight into the bathroom.

She quickly jumped into the shower, washing her hair and straight after brushing her teeth before leaving to get dressed for the day.

Eleanor pulled on a pair of black distressed jeans with a high neck grey jumper and a pair of her combat boots.

"That should do." Eleanor stated, looking herself up and down in the full length mirror in the bedroom.

And it was in that same moment that the bell from the front door downstairs rang throughout the whole building.
Eleanor looked at her watch and saw the time to be 10:45.
That was strange she thought, George wasn't due to be here for another 15 minutes.

She stood to herself silently as she listened to the loud thumping sound of footsteps coming up the stairs to her apartment and just as the intruder stood outside the door, a light knock came from the other side.

"Ell it's me. Are you up?" George said, his muffled voice breaking through the walls.

A wash of relief fell over Eleanor at the sound of George's voice, although it couldn't be anyone else, she still had that strange irrational fear from the battle.

Eleanor smiled to herself and made her way over to the door, opening it up to reveal George standing there leaning against the archway.
His hands were full with a large brown paper bag in one hand and two cups in the other.

"I hope you don't mind but i bought us some breakfast? Thought it would be a good way to start the day." George explained with a large grin on his face.

Eleanor returned the smile and stood back to welcome him into her apartment.

"Please don't judge" she giggled "there's still a lot of work to do around here"

George nodded in response as he looked around the room, his gaze falling onto the only object in front of him, the sofa where Eleanor had been sleeping.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now