60. Yours, truly

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^^^Eleanor and Freds wedding video^^^

Listen to the song 'turning page' by Sydney rose for when they get married.

Friday, December 3rd 2003

From the moment Eleanor woke up that morning, her palms were sweaty and her nerves were a complete ball of mess. She hadn't actually considered how nervous she would be and she knew that it would only progress throughout the day.

Freshly out of bed, showered and fed. Mrs Weasley sat with her in her bedroom and began helping her with her hair.

"Are you alright dear?" Mrs Weasley spoke softly as she ran her wand around each part of Eleanor's hair "you've barely said a word all morning"

Eleanor smiled weakly in the reflection of the mirror at Molly who held a comforting expression upon her face.

"Oh, you know, just the nerves" Eleanor sighed, shaking her head "I really didn't think I would be nervous considering we've known each other since we were children."

"Well, I would be concerned if you weren't nervous" Mrs Weasley chuckled as she made her way through another section of Eleanor's hair "Going on a date is just as nerve-racking as a wedding day, it's something new and you don't know what to expect because your hopes are set on it being perfect."

Eleanor felt a flourish of reassurance in her mind as she let out a deep breath. Somehow Mrs Weasley always had an answer and it was definitely the answer she wanted to hear.
- from just outside the bedroom, Eleanor could hear the muffled laughter of the girls, obviously messing around and gossiping whilst they got ready. Maybe a drink was what Eleanor needed.

"I'm really glad to have you here Mrs Weasley" Eleanor spoke sweetly as she placed a hand onto hers "no matter what, you've always been there for me and ever since my parents passed away you've become in some ways a motherly figure in my life and that's something that I'll forever be in your debt for. You're truly one of a kind."

You could see the glint of tears start to well up in Mrs Weasley's eyes as she gripped her small hand around Eleanor's.

"Ohh! Don't make me cry you!" Mrs Weasley chuckled as she yanked out a tissue from nowhere "I think it's about time you started calling me Molly or if you wanted to, maybe even mum."

Eleanor beamed at Mrs Weasley with her own tears beginning to well up in her eyes but this wasn't a time to cry. - not yet anyway.

"Okay, okay, enough with the soppy talk" Eleanor sniffed, waving her hand around in the air. "I think it's about time I got into my dress, would you mind giving me a hand?"

Mrs Weasley smiled politely as she patted both of her shoulders and turned away to where her dress was hanging on the wardrobe door.
It was wrapped delicately in its protective casing so it wouldn't get damaged and for what seemed like it was hanging there forever, it was finally time to put it on.

To make things easier, Eleanor pulled her heels onto her feet and strapped the clip tightly around her ankle so she wouldn't have to spend too long pulling up the dress to put them on.

"Okay, if you hold your arms up in the air dear then it should just slide on" Mrs Weasley explained "or would you like to step into it?"

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now