20. The truth

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The next day, the mood between Eleanor and Fred seemed slightly intense.
They barely spoke to each other all morning as they got themselves up and ready for work seemingly dealing with their inner feelings.

Eleanor couldn't bare being like this with Fred and didn't know why he was acting so off with her.
She wanted so badly to tell him how she truly felt but it wouldn't be fair if she didn't sort things out with George first.
She had to figure out what had really happened to him before she could be truly happy. George deserved to know what was really going on but not under whatever spell Alicia had put on him.

Fred left for work rather abruptly and instead of kissing her on the lips like he usually would, he just hugged her lightly and made his way out without a goodbye.

Eleanor couldn't help but feel slightly disheartened by this and in some ways hurt.
How could everything go from being so perfect last night to completely ruined this morning?
- maybe he thought that Eleanor wasn't interested in him but that was so deeply wrong.


Eleanor got herself started for the day, opening up her shop and already a few customers came waltzing in, looking around at the wands she had to offer.
She had mainly elderly customers coming in today, claiming that they had lost their wands.

As much as she enjoyed her job, today really was not the day for her as she became increasingly irritated with the with the customers constant moaning about their wand troubles.
She longed so deeply for Fred to just walk through the door and tell her everything was okay but she knew that wasn't the case.
And as the slow decay of time came around to her lunch break, she practically ran out of the door, heading down to Fred and George's shop.
She had to do this. She had to tell George.

Eleanor ran all the way down the street to Fred and George's s shop where she burst through the door causing the shop assistant on the till to look at her.

"Let me guess, you're looking for Fred and George again?" He chuckled as he crossed his arms, looking at her.

Eleanor nodded as she breathed heavily, doing her best to gain her breath back.

"They're back there in the office." The boy pointed and Eleanor quickly followed, muttering a quick thank-you as she went by.

It was safe to say she wasn't expecting the sight she entered into.
George was sat in the swivelled chair behind the desk looking up at Fred annoyingly who stood over him and as she entered they both turned to look at her.

"What are you doing here?" George gasped, standing up from his seat but Fred quickly pushed him back down.

"Just let her speak would you." Fred sighed, rolling his eyes.

Eleanor could tell that they had been arguing beforehand which only made things slightly more difficult for her.

She slowly moved herself towards the desk, perching herself on the side of it as she looked at George softly. She wanted to try her best to sort things with him.

"I just want to talk to you that's all." Eleanor began, taking it steadily as George looked completely exhausted "I'm sorry about what happened with us last night, I didn't mean it. I hate fighting with you."

"I hate fighting with you too." He sighed, his true self finally making a show "but what I said about Alicia. It was true."

George looked completely pained as he said this and Eleanor looked to Fred who seemed just as concerned as she was.

"Whether it's true or not, I need to ask you something" Eleanor sighed, readying herself for what could ruin everything. "Has Alicia done anything to you?"

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now