6. Team work

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After what seemed like a blissful nights sleep, Eleanor awoke, blinking harshly to clear her blurry eyes from the slumber she had just shortly came around from.
lazily she turned over to face the other way and
It took her a moment to gather her thoughts as she opened her eyes to the most wonderful sight.

There laying next to her, was a silently sleeping George with his arm propped up behind his head and his golden hair completely ruffled.

Eleanor pushed her elbow up to hold her head as she admired the sleeping beauty next to her.
She took a moment to admire his face, gazing at his freckles and the slenderness of all his features.

Still not getting over the fact that last night had indeed happened.

Eleanor couldn't bring herself to wake him just yet, so she gently pulled back the covers and slipped herself out, walking straight into the en-suite bathroom.
She immediately slipped out of her clothes and made her way over to the shower when she caught a glimpse of herself in the reflection.

"What the bloody hell is that?" She gasped, nearing closer to get a better look. Pulling her skin into eye view.


"Fucking hell George" Eleanor giggled as she stared at the trail falling down from her neck all the way to her stomach.
He had really outdone himself. good thing they were in places easy to hide.

Eventually, she made her way into the shower, washing her body and hair before getting out and wrapping herself up in a fluffy white towel with another one around her head.
It was safe to say she wasn't expecting George to be awake when she flung open the door and saw him sitting at the edge of her bed, now fully clothed.

"Morning" he said mischievously, looking at Eleanor up at down. Seemingly to like what he saw.

"Good morning." Eleanor replied with a slight giggle in between, making her way over to her wardrobe, grabbing the clothes out that she wanted to wear for the day.

George seemed to watch her every move, admiring her from a distance as she changed herself in front of him. Seemingly confident with his presence.

"Fancy heading down to Bonelloes together to grab some breakfast?" George questioned causing Eleanor to smile to herself as she pulled up her jeans.

"I'd love too!" She replied happily.

Eleanor pulled out her wand and pointed it at her hair casting the drying spell so it was no longer wet and gradually pulling it up into a high ponytail.

"Let's go." She gestured, walking out into the living room, closely followed by George.

The pair of them grabbed their coats, made their way down the stairs, through the shop and out into diagon alley.

The fresh air of morning hit their faces as they stepped out into the cloudy mist that floated towards them along the cobbled path.
The street was quiet as the shopkeepers gently began to rise from their slumber, gradually opening up their shops for the day and it didn't take long for them both to walk halfway down the street where the smell of breakfast began to waft towards them, making their tummies grumble.

They both stepped inside, indulging themselves in the warmth as the scent of pancakes and well cooked bacon floated around the small cafe.
And there at the counter stood an old man who wore a dark red apron with a smart white shirt on underneath.

"Hello there young George. I had a feeling I'd be seeing you today" The man bellowed before noticing Eleanor next to him. "Well I don't believe it. Is that my Eleanor Jones?"

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now