9. Distance isnt always a bad thing

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The next day, Eleanor awoke on the sofa where she has obviously fallen asleep with George the previous night.
Her neck was crooked as it led awkwardly against the sofa cushion and her arm trapped between two small pillows.

"Ah" Eleanor strained as she sat up, rolling her neck around to crack it. "That's what you get for falling asleep on the sofa."

The sun was shining brightly through the curtains and the fire that they had made last night was now nothing more than a few burnt logs in the fireplace. obviously having died out some time in the night.

Eleanor looked around her as she focused her eyes, only to realise that George was no longer there.
She scanned her eyes around the room, not tracing a sight of him anywhere.
She got up and looked in the bedroom but he was no where to be seen, she even checked the bathroom but that was empty too.

"Where could he have gone?" She said to herself curiously.
He hadn't left a note. Or even tried to wake her to let her know. Unless he had and she couldn't remember.
It was really unlike George to just go off without any warning so Eleanor decided to get dressed and head down to Fred and George's shop to see if he was there.

The walk down there seemed to take longer than usual as the uncomfortable feeling of anxiety began to build up onto Eleanors chest making her feel slightly uneasy as she came to stand outside the front of the shop.
She didn't know why she felt like this over something so small.

Luckily, it was still pretty early in the morning so the shop was not at its busiest and as she stepped in the soft murmurs of customers echoed around her as they looked at all the merchandise the twins had put on sale.
At the counter was a younger looking boy who was seemingly sorting out the cash register for the day and Eleanor made her way over to him.

"Hey there, is there anything I can help you with?" The boy said cheerfully, welcoming Eleanor as she stood in front of him.

She beamed up at him but gently shook her head "I was wondering if Fred or George were around? I need to have a quick word with them."

"Well I haven't seen George at all this morning but I know that Fred is round the back in the office. Do you want me to take you to him?"

The same feeling of uneasiness flushed over Eleanor as she heard that George had not been at the shop. "Thankyou for your help but I know where the office is so I'll just take myself round. Have a good day."

The boy smiled softly at Eleanor before she made her way around to the back of the shop where the large wooden door stood closed, with the blinds shut.
She stood steadily in front of it and knocked gently against it.

"Hey freddie are you in there?" Eleanor said softly and the door came swinging open almost immediately.

"Oh hey Jonesy, I wasn't expecting to see you here so early. Everything alright?" Fred questioned as he looked her up and down.

But Eleanor furrowed her brows and look down at her feet awkwardly.
"It's George, I don't know where he is? He didn't leave me a note or anything so I figured he might be here."

But Fred just shrugged. "Well I can tell you that I haven't seen him. Have you tried looking at the bank? He was supposed to process some cheques so he could be there? Or maybe at bonelloes?"

Eleanors eyebrows raised suddenly as he said this. Why hadn't she thought of this before. he could of simply gone and got Eleanor and himself some breakfast considering that was something he usually did.

"Thankyou Fred" Eleanor beamed as she pulled him into a massive hug, practically squeezing the life out of him.

"Jeez Jones, let me breathe" he chuckled "why do you want to find him so eagerly anyway?"

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now