30. On my mind

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As they stood their basking peacefully in the soft glow of the moonlight, Eleanor's heart skipped a beat in her chest.
Had Fred Weasley just asked her to be his girlfriend? - she could hardly believe it as her eyes glazed over and her stomach turned with butterflies.

"Are you being serious?" Eleanor beamed, her smile growing too either side of her face "of course I will!"

Excitedly, she threw herself into his arms almost crushing him with the force of her happiness.

"Bloody hell Jones" Fred gasped as he wrapped his bear like arms around her.

But she didn't care. Eleanor couldn't even contain her happiness in this moment. This is all she ever wanted.

"I thought you'd never ask" she teased, eventually letting go of him "was this your plan all along?"

And Fred nodded, smiling to himself as Eleanor agreed to be his.

"I won't lie, I've wanted to ask you so many times this week but I wanted it to be perfect." Fred smiled, acting all sweet and adorable "because that's what you deserve."

It wasn't often that Eleanor got to see the soft side of Fred. He was always so confident and manly as well as the fact of being his usual joker self, so it was always a privilege to see how deeply he cared for her. His deep inner emotions finally surfacing.

"You're too good to me" Eleanor smiled, touching her necklace lovingly "but if I'm being honest, I had a sneaky feeling something was going to happen tonight, so-"

Eleanor reached down into her pocket and pulled out a small velvet pouch bag. It was a beautiful deep purple colour with a silver ribbon wrapped around it.

"It's not much, but I wanted to get you something too."

Fred beamed at Eleanor as he took the pouch into his hands, slowly undoing the ribbon that wrapped around it. Gradually the small bag loosened and opened up, allowing Fred to see what was inside.

It was a large chunky golden ring with a circular black stud in the middle. 

"Wow jonesy" Fred scoffed, his tone surprised and in admiration "this is incredible."

He held the ring up in front of his eyes, inspecting it as close as he could.
The ring seemed so small in his hands whereas in Eleanor's it was massive.

"It's not just any plain old ring" Eleanor smirked as she watched Fred slip it onto his index finger, still admiring it as he went.

"What do you mean?" He replied, his interest now peaked.

"Well let me show you".

Eleanor brought her wand out into her palm and pointed it slowly down at the ring.


The small black circle on the ring started to light up.
A blue swirl of glitter floated across revealing a majestic white unicorn stood in what seemed like a forest.

"Is that-?" Fred beamed "your patronus?"

Eleanor smiled up at him as if to give him the answer before looking back down to continue watching.

The elegant creature stood their proudly when another swirl began to emerge from the top corner. A magpie.
- it flew around the unicorn gracefully, stretching it wingspan as far it could.

Fred's face was a complete picture as he watched the animals dance around together before the screen slowly started to fade and return to its dark settlement.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now