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hey everyone!!

I just wanted to come and say thankyou to everyone who votes for all the chapters! I do see every one of your comments and votes so don't think it goes unnoticed👀✨

I just wanted to add all my socials so you can stay up to date with everything... as I always post chapter updates and all the info over there...

( the o is a zero and the 'i' is a 1)
Instagram: @theunkn0wnwr1ter
- I have put a screenshot in the picture link above

- ( best thing to follow if you wanna talk to me about the book, send me stuff and ask me things)☺️☺️ I also post loads on there to do with Fred and George on my story so If you wanna keep up to date then head over there.

Tik tok: @elliemcphers0n

I honestly could not of gone this far without you guys so thankyou to those of you who have stuck around and read the book as well as voted and left comments for me.
It really makes my day☺️✨

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now