54. A Lodge For The Weekend

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The following week seemed to pass by them quicker than they thought. For the most part, Fred spent most of his time tucked away in his office, scribbling down ideas that he had come up with for the upcoming adventure on the weekend and with that he absolutely refused to share any of the plans with anyone.

From time to time, out of nothing but pure curiosity, Eleanor tried to sneak a peak at some of his ideas but of course with Fred always thinking one step ahead, he had jinxed his notebook so he was the only one to gain access to it. Such a clever but typical Weasley move.

Although, with Eleanor returning to work and life seeming to go back to a new and improved version of reality, Fred had become somewhat distant with her. She wasn't sure whether it was from the stresses of work or having the pure responsibility of booking the trip for everyone but there was certainly something going on that made Eleanor feel unsure of herself. - For instance, every time she would head down to Fred and George's shop and found them talking, they would both quickly and obviously change the topic of conversation and if not that, then they would both just split apart and pretend nothing had happened whenever Eleanor got near. Their behaviour had been really odd all week. Reluctantly she put it behind her and decided that if it was anything of importance to her then Fred would of told her.

Soon enough, the weekend had finally arrived. The group of friends stood in the living room of Eleanor's apartment with their medium sized bags surrounding then, awaiting Fred to come in and tell them where exactly they would be heading off too.

"i hope i've packed the right things" Ron explained, looking down curiously at his bag "Fred didn't exactly tell us what weather to pack for, so i just guessed."

Immediately you could see the looks of smugness and amusement from all around the room as Ron said this, Knowing exactly that he hadn't paid attention yet again.

"Ron, he did tell us." Hermione said softly, trying her best not to laugh "That was the only hint he gave us, to pack for somewhat cold temperatures".

everyone snickered under their breath as they watched Ron move awkwardly in his chair. His face went evidently red as he realised that he had most likely packed the completely wrong sort of wear and by this point it was completely too late as Fred and George came bursting through the apartment doors, hauling in their luggage and greeting everyone with cheerful smiles.

"hello darling" Fred said sweetly as he placed a greeting kiss onto Eleanor's cheek "hope you haven't been waiting too long."

Eleanor kissed him back and brushed her hand lightly up his arm "Not at all, you arrived in perfect time. Now cmon! Tell us where were going!"

You could see the proud smile on Fred's face as he made his way into the centre of the living room as if he was taking to the stage to talk to his audience. He always took so much pride in planning things for people and judging by the proud smug look on George's face, he had done exactly that.

"Right, thank you all for being so patient with me in finding us a place to have a small break away. I know it wasn't easy waiting, but i wanted it to be a surprise, however, now that we are all here, i can finally tell all of you nosey sods because i'm tired of trying to hide my notes and doing my best to avoid giving into any questions. So without further ado, the place that we are going to is....Switzerland."

As Fred finished, everyone burst into an eruption of cheers and mixed conversation, showing that they were all thrilled with the chosen destination. - Eleanor in particular was beaming from ear to ear as she made her way over to him and wrapped him up into an excitable embrace.

"Fred this is amazing" she squealed, leaning her head into his chest. "what made you want to pick Switzerland?"

As Eleanor and Fred let go of one another, their eyes met in the middle. You could see the glint of thoughts pass through him as he searched for the appropriate answer to give.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now