51. S.O.S

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WARNING ⚠️: this chapter may be extremely triggering for some readers, there are descriptions of physical abuse, sexual abuse, degradation and kidnapping.
PLEASE read at own discretion


Sitting on the edge of the dock, with their feet dangling over the edge was Eleanor and Fred, wrapped up warmly in each-others arms, listening to the calming ripples of the water in front of them.

It seemed like the perfect night, the moonlight shining down with her head leaning onto his shoulder, The smell of his cologne wrapped up heavy in her scent.
Feeling as if nothing else in the world mattered.

When just from behind them sounded a familiar cackling noise along with the enclosing patter of footsteps.
It was like a piercing ring in Eleanor's ears as she turned around, holding her head with the pain it caused.

"What do you think you are doing with my man, Eleanor ?" Alicia giggled, her smooth sultry voice playing out like a melody "when are you going to realise that he doesn't want you?"

Still holding her head from the echo of her voice bouncing around in her mind, Eleanor found herself unable to talk. She could only watch as Fred stood up from the side of her and went to wrap Alicia into his arms.

"Freddie, what are you doing?" Eleanor stuttered, her voice broken with tears "I thought you loved me..."

But he simply didn't reply, Alicia just brought him into her embrace and wrapped her arms around him tightly, poking her head over the top so she could meet Eleanor's eyes.

"I'm the better one for him darling" Alicia said smoothly, her adoring eyes piercing into Eleanor's "you need to let him go."

Eleanor watched as Fred began to run his hands down along Alicia's back seductively, pulling back to place her face into the palm of his hand.
- The same thing he would usually do to Eleanor.

"Fred-please." Eleanor stuttered...but unable to gain his attention, she watched Fred pour into Alicia, pressing his lips desperately against hers and moaning in-between every breath.

"I think it's about time you left Jonesy." Fred replied, without even taking his gaze off of Alicia "you have a new love now."

From just behind her, a soft gentle hand placed down onto her shoulder, gaining her attention to look away from Fred.
It was Theo, standing there with a drunken love gaze, trying his best to help her to her feet.

"Come on angel, you don't need him when you've got me." Theo said deviously, his hands wrapping tightly around Eleanor's waist as he brought her closer to him.

All she wanted to do was struggle and pull away but finding herself unable to move, all she could do was stand there being held by the least person she wanted to be touched by.
Allowing him to place unwanted kisses into her neck and along her skin.

"Please stop it-" Eleanor cried, her tears rolling freely down her cheeks "Fred! Please help me."

But when she turned around, Alicia and Fred were no longer there.
Not a single trace of them in sight.

"FREDDIE!" Eleanor screamed...

And suddenly it all went dark.


Wearily coming around from what seemed like she had been asleep for hours, Eleanor's eyes opened to the sight of a wooden floor and her hair hanging over her face.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now