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We apparated into an alleyway in Diagon Alley and nausea was beginning to hit me. I can be a bitch but can I really be Bellatrix?

"Get under the invisibility cloak, idiots," I muttered to the goblin and Harry who were lounging about as if no one is after his head.

Ron and Hermione stood behind me as we walked into Gringotts. Bloody hell...

I glared at the security guard who backed away slightly and made my way down to the end of the bank. 

"You. Goblin." I felt awful talking this way but I had no choice.

The goblin looked up and flinched slightly before calming down, "Madamme Lestrange."

"My vault, now you filthy goblin," I growled and he ran off to the back.

A few seconds later he came back with another elf, "Mind presenting your wand."

"And why am I giving two filths my wand?" The two elves took in a deep breath before plastering a smile on their faces, "It's the bank's policy. Surely you understand."

I scoffed, spitting onto the floor, "I don't understand. Take me to my vault or else-"

"I'm afraid, I must insist," the elf pushed.

I yanked Ron towards me who was trembling with fear. That was until I heard.


"Very well, follow me if you will," the elf sang.

I pushed Ron ahead of me before dragging Hermione too. We followed the elf all the way to the back where there was a rollercoaster of a ride.

"That was brilliant, you three. Truly," Ron chuckled as we sat down.

I gave him a high-five, "What can I say? My inner bitch just came out."

We all laughed before griphook shut us up and began the ride. I grabbed onto Hermione and Ron due to the fact that heights terrified me.

We went through a stream of water before the ride suddenly stopped. An alarm began beeping and we were falling.

Hermione did a spell which didn't allow us to literally fall to our death. We grunted before getting up and fixing ourselves.

"You look like you again," Harry exclaimed.

I quickly touched my features to see that I in fact did look and feel like myself again. 

"The thieves' downfall washes away all enchantments," the goblin told us.

I shrugged my shoulders and we followed the goblin to Bella's vault.

After passing by a troubling dragon, we finally made it to the vault.

My jaw dropped to the floor the second we walked in, everywhere was full of gold. Gold cups, gold coins, gold swords, gold books, everything was gold.

"Woah!" Ron exclaimed, looking around the room.

"How much money you bet that all of them are stolen goods?" I joked which made Ron snort, the other three not so quite.

"We don't have time, guys. Harry, can you find it?" Hermione asked.

Harry nodded as he walked around trying to sense the Horcrux. If it's not in here I am personally going to murder each and every one of these idiots.

"That's it, up there," Harry exclaimed.

There was a sudden clank behind me and I turned around to see Ronald who tripped and touched something. I scowled before my eyes widened at the pieces of gold duplicating.

"They've added the gemino curse, everything you touch will multiply," the goblin snapped.

Everything in the room began doubling up quickly and faster. "Harry, get it!" I yelled as Hermione, Ron and I began doing something.

The whole vault began filling up and the three of us were sinking. There was a sudden pause until Harry jumped out of the pile of trophies and jumped to where we were standing. Everything began duplicating again.

"We had a deal griphook," Harry gritted through his teeth.

The goblin scoffed before shooting us a glare, "The cup for the sword."

Harry scoffed before throwing him the sword. He threw Hermione the cup to which she caught but we were practically sinking.

"I said I'd get you in, I didn't say anything about getting you out."

"Fuck you, I hope your nose melts," I screamed as he apparated away.

"Bombarda!" Hermione yelled and there was a small pathway opened for us but the gold was still duplicating.

We managed to get out of the vault but there was still no way of getting out of the bank. The bastard left us which was just great.

"At least we got the other one," Ron muttered but just as the dragon burned him to ashes.

"Anyone fancy a crispy goblin?" I sarcastically pointed out.

The guards began shooting spells at us and we ducked behind the walls, covering. "Anyone got any ideas?" Harry asked, the boys staring at Hermione and I.

"I've got something but it's mad," Hermione yelled.

"Anything's better than being sent to Azkaban, hurry!" I yelled back.

"Reducto!" She blew off the railing which had me share a confused glance with the boys.

Next thing I knew she did a running start before jumping onto the back of the dragon. The boys and I staring at her in absolute shock, that's MY girl yes.

"Well, are you coming?" 

I blow a kiss to the boys before jumping after her, "Yoo I'm flying."

I fell onto the back, gripping onto the scales of the dragon. The boys shortly joined us after and Hermione blew off the dragon's chain. 

It began crashing into Gringotts itself until we were outside, finally free.

We were flying over London, I was screaming with joy as to how freeing this was. "I can see my house from up here," I yelled causing them all to chuckle.

My friends are blimming mad but that was awesome.

We flew out for a while until we were above a lake, a large lake.

"I say we jump," Harry stated. "When?"


We all jumped into the lake, I was thankful for the swim lessons I had in my families private pool in the back garden when I was little.

I got a little water stuck in my throat but I managed to come out, Ron and Hermione lifting me out due to the heavy clothing I still had on.

"He knows, you-know-who. He knows we broke into Gringotts, he knows what we took and he knows we're hunting Horcrux's."

"How is it you know?" Hermione asked as she handed us fresh clothes to change into.

"I saw it." Harry, Harry, Harry.

"You let him in? Harry, you can't do that," Hermione asked, baffled.

"Hermione, I can't always help it. Or maybe I can, I don't know."

"Nevermind, what happened?" Ron asked, shivering.

Harry began explaining what he saw as we all got dressed in appropriate clothing. Hermione and I had blankets wrapped around us as the boys got dressed, lucky bastards don't know what it's like with long hair.

Harry thinks he found another Horcrux, something to do with Rowena Ravenclaw. I hope he's bloody right because I feel a storm coming. 

"Snape's headmaster now, we can't just walk through the front door," Ron stated.

Harry stammered a little before coming up with an idea, "We'll go to Hogsmeade. To honeydukes, take the secret passage in the cellar."

We all agreed, taking a breather before we go back home.

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