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~ Start of Fifth-Year ~ 

This summer has been one of the best summer's of my life. I spent the entirety of August with my sister, travelling Europe for her summer collection line. I had no choice, considering mother practically forced me to go so I can 'learn what a proper lady does'. I wasn't complaining, anything to get out of that house and away from my two biological donors.

I'm kind of glad I got to experience this, I learnt many things, such as how to dress properly. My old style was just your basic hoodies and jeans. Ever since my sister introduced to me how to wear skirts and dresses as daily-wear, it's all I ever seem to wear - mother was 'pleased'.

It's finally the day I've been waiting for, first day back. I was standing in front of my mirror, making sure I looked alright before I headed out - I was wearing a plaid, belted skirt along with a long sleeved black crop top. I grabbed my long, black coat and headed downstairs.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, my parents were waiting for me. "About time, hurry up. We'll be late. And here's your purse," my mother snapped, handing me my purse.

"Excuse me? Mother I said I can go alone, there really is no nee-"

"Hush! Grab your luggage, I'll apparate us to the train station," she said. I blinked a couple of times, making sure I even heard her correctly. My mother nor my father have ever bothered to take me to the train station or even pick me up.

I shrugged my shoulders before holding my luggage in one arm and grabbing my mothers arm for her to apparate us to Kings Cross.

We arrived in platform 9 3/4, families getting emotional whereas children are egear to get onto the train. Then you have my mother and I, standing side by side, awkwardly in a corner.

"Well, see you at Christmas I assume," she bluntly said, examining my choice of clothing and nodding to herself. "Yes um well, see you."

I grabbed my luggage and was about to walk off before she grabbed my wrist and turned me around, pulling me into a hug. I've never experienced affection from my mother so this felt extremely weird, the expression on my face said it all.

"Please be safe," she whispered into my neck. "Uh- Yes, I will be." She quickly let go of the hug and patted her clothes down. 

I waved goodbye to her before wheeling my belongings to the worker who put them away for us. I hopped onto the train and clutched onto my purse as I tried looking for my friends or an empty cabin.

I was walking down the cramped pathway when I bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry- Draco?" I looked up to see him, bloody hell - he's wearing a black suit with a black turtleneck. 

"Va- Scott!" He glared, eyeing me up and down. I kept my gaze on him before I heard my name and I turned around to see Hermione, waving at me with a smile, calling me over.

When I turned around, Draco was gone, odd. I walked over to Hermione and gave her a big hug to which she returned. "I missed you so much and look at your outfit," she gasped.

I chuckled a little before letting go of our hug, "I missed you more. Well aha yeah, I-uh decided to experiment." She nodded in approval as she dragged me down to the boys.

I can't exactly tell her I travelled all of Europe with my fashion designer sister, Phoebe Vanderwal, and changed quite a little over the month because of it. Or how the so called parents who 'abandoned me' and I have reunited with are really Klarissa and Joseph Vanderwal, top-notch ministry officials who are prejudiced and hate me. 

We enter the cabin where the boys were sat in and I hugged the both of them. "Blimey Lay, you changed a lot. Meeting your abandoned family must've had an affect on you," Ron chuckled.

"Well what can I say, I do dress good," I nervously chuckled. 

"How was it? Meeting your parents for the first time after- uh- 4 years?" Harry asked, facing my way to get a better look at me.

I shrugged my shoulders a little, "It was not that interesting, I spent the whole summer in my room just writing." They gave me pitiful looks before changing the subject.

"Harry, mind if I rest my head on your lap?" I asked and they all looked at me in a strange way. 

"You know you don't have to ask, Lay," Harry interjected, gesturing for me to lay down. 

"Yeah, you're gone all of one summer and suddenly learnt manners," Ron snorted. I chuckled as I layed on Harry's lap. "Yeah uh- my parents were well-mannered so you know."

I spent the rest of the train ride sleeping, hoping I don't mess up like that again. They are right, I never ask them if I can lay down on them, I usually just lay down.

Spending a whole month away with high-end people, my sister taught me how to be well-mannered around people. I haven't even seen any of my friends for over a month so I guess I completely forgot how to act 'normal'.

I was awoken by Harry's fidgeting, "We're here, Lay." I groggily sit up and rub my eyes, straightening out my already straightened hair. I look out the window to see we're at the station.

I link my arm through Mione as we walk behind the boys, talking about what she did over the summer. "So then, he bit my father and-" 

"Surprised the ministry is still letting you walk around free Potter." I look away from Hermione to see Draco and his goons walking towards Harry. 

"You better enjoy it while you can, I expect there is a sell in Azkaban with your name on it." Harry jumped forwward, trying to attack Draco but failed as Ron held him back.

I walked a little faster to get closer to them, "Fuck off Malfoy. If I throw a stick will you be a good boy and go fetch?" Anger surfaced through his face as he pushed his goons forward.

"Just stay away from me!" Harry yelled, pushing Ron off him and carrying on walking. The three of us stare at him and follow after him.

Welcome back, Coraline. Welcome back!

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