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It was finally Christmas break, I was walking out of the train to look for the house-elf but saw a better sight - my brother.

I waved a quick goodbye to my friends before I ran towards my brother and jumped into his arms, "I missed you so much, oh my god!"

He chuckled in my hair as he put me down, "I missed you more, Lay. Shall we?" He extended his arm out for me and I nodded before hesitatingly grabbing it and apparating away.

We apparated inside our manor and one of the house-elves took my luggage for me upstairs. 

"Come on, mum and Phoebe are waiting in the living room!" Brian said as he walked towards the living room door.

I walked inside to see the 12ft Christmas tree in the living room, decorated and lit up. The room smelt like cocoa and mint with Phoebe's rich perfume sprayed everywhere. I walked in and a smile was projected onto my face when I saw my sister.

"Phoebe!" I squealed startling her before running into my sister's arms. She giggled at my excitement as I hugged her tightly.

"I missed you too, Lay!" She chuckled, kissing my cheek.

I walked up to mother and extended my hand out for her to shake but was surprised when she pulled me into a sort of hug. I looked at Phoebe and Brian who shrugged their shoulders also pretty confused at mothers affection towards me.

"Good to have you home, Coralina!" My mother smiled-ish. "Pleased to be here." She gestured for me to sit and as I did, my father walked in with his book.

"I see you're home, Coralina!" Father lowly said, taking off his glasses to get a better view.

"Hello, father!" I politely smiled to which he nodded his head and sat next to my mother, kissing her cheek slightly.

I excused myself as I wanted to go ahead and sleep, the train ride was not fun considering Mione and Ronald wouldn't shut up about who's right and wrong. Not to mention Harry's constant chatter about how "wet" the kiss with Cho Chang was. Disgusting!


*December 25th - Christmas Day!*

Sleep. What a beautiful thing. Sleep is something not only I need but I crave, it is my coping mechanism sometimes, especially at school.

So imagine my face when my sister ran into my room this morning and woke me up at 6 in the fucking morning. I was startled awake by a cushion smacked to my head, I'm not a morning person and nor am I nice or pleasant.

"Phoebe, you have 5 seconds to tell me why you woke me up this early," I glared at her.

"It's Christmas!" She sang, twirling in my bedroom. "Come on, it's present time!" She yanked me out of bed, making me fall onto the ground, wrapped around my blanket.

I let out a loud groan before I got up from the floor, grabbed my robe and headed downstairs with Phoebe. It looked like my brother had the same mindset as he looked awful and not ready to be awoken either.

We entered the living room to see mother sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee in her hand, not looking happy. "Phoebe, could this not have waited until later?" Mother yawned, sipping her coffee.

Phoebe shook her head like a five-year-old before she handed each of us a present. I rarely did Christmas with my family, up until last year the last Christmas I had with them was when I was 9. 

"Is father not joining us?" I asked, looking at mother who looked unusual. And by unusual not dressed to the highest standard, unbrushed hair and no makeup visible on her face.

She shook her head as she placed her coffee down, grabbing the gift Phoebe handed her, "No. He has a business thing." I nodded my head.

I opened Phoebe's gift as she had the biggest grin on her lips. I unwrapped her gift and my eyes popped out, she got me the red diary I awed in Paris.

When we were travelling in the summer, we went shopping in Paris where I came across a red leather diary with a lock on it. I was short on cash and Phoebe did volunteer to buy it for me but I refused. I gave her a hug as I thanked her.

"Can't believe you bought it," I chuckled, eyeing the delicacy of its leather. 

"Of course I did. You practically wrestled the worker when she refused to give you a discount." I chuckled at the memory, Paris was fun. It was filled with memories my sister and I made together. 

We exchanged a few presents and so, mum seemed to like the charm I got her in Hogsmeade. She placed it on her bracelet, said it completed her. 

She's been acting highly odd ever since school began and I can't shake off what it is. It's making me feel weird as if she isn't even my mother. Wait...

"I think that's it!" Brian exclaimed, snapping me out of my delusional thoughts and leaning back onto the sofa, closing his eyes. 

"Wait, no! There is one more thing and it's for...Coraline!" I sit up, confused as to who else could've gotten me anything. I opened everything from my siblings and my friends.

"It's from...mum?" We all look up and stare at her, me particularly. I don't think I've ever shared a loving Christmas with mother who got me anything, this should be interesting.

She gestured for me to open it and I grabbed it, examining it. "It's not a bomb, Coralina. Open it," she huffed. I rolled my eyes before carefully opening the lid of the box carefully.

I peeked inside and my eyes became glossy. It was my old bunny, the bunny bear that I would clutch at nights when I felt alone or whenever I felt isolated. 

I looked up at mother who was smiling, "The elves found it and I remember how obsessed you used to be with that thing. I cleaned it up and decided you should have it back." 

There was a comfortable silence as I took in her words. This bunny had sentimental value, it was my coping mechanism and I thought I'd lost it when I moved in with nona.

I sniffled before I got up from the couch to give her a hug, a meaningful one. She hesitated for a few seconds before wrapping her arms around my waist. 

"Thank you, it means everything," I whispered and I felt her nod.

I pulled back and placed my bunny back in the box. "Well then, the Vanderwal Christmas is officially done!" Phoebe exclaimed.

We all chuckled as we threw the wrapping in the middle, I noted to take it to the kitchen before the elves did. I always hated how they did every little thing for us when we were perfectly capable of doing it ourselves. 

There was pecking at the window and I looked outside to see a jet black owl sitting outside of our window with letters in its beak. "I'll get it."

I walked up to the window, opened it and stroked the owl. I grabbed the letters and read the back 'The Malfoy Family', great.

"There is one for everyone. Here," I said, giving mum the letter for her and father and then handing my siblings their hand-made letters. 

She opened it and smiled, "We've been invited to the Mafoly's New Year's Eve party." 

Phoebe jumped with joy whilst Brian and I groaned, I knew we would be invited but this was something I was hoping they would forget. 

AN: This chapter was so bland, gosh. Next chapter is about to be a ride, literally. 

Thank you guys for reading and don't forget to vote and comment your ideas and opinions. Love you guys :)) 

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