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*September 6th, 1997. Dumbledore's Office*

Draco and I sat at opposite ends in the waiting area, just outside Dumbledore's door. I had my arms crossed against my chest as Draco played with his fingers, the anger still clearly visible on his face.

Dumbledore's door opened, I jolted out of my seat as I dashed into the door before I could even see Malfoy.

Dumbledore stood before us, his back towards us as he talks to Moody. I let out a cough to initiate my presence and he turns around, a smile growing on his face.

"Miss Scott, Mr Malfoy!" He beams as he motions for us to take a seat. "I hear you both have caused quite the scene in your class," he says eyeing the both of us as Moody scoffs.

"She started it, professor," Malfoy moaned as he pointed at me. "Me? You're the one who called Mione a mud-" I yelled before Dumbledore shushed us. Dumbledore. Shushed us?

"I do not want to know who started what or who said what," he said, eyeing Malfoy before continuing, "Alastor sees it's best fit to give you both a punishment for ruining his classroom."

I have my arms crossed against my chair, "What type of punishment?" I asked slowly, praying to Merlin it's nothing bad.

"You will both spend the evening alone, after the announcements of course, cleaning the astronomy tower," our jaws dropped to the floor as we stared at Dumbledore, "From the bottom of the stairs all the way to the railings by the edge of the tower."

I stood up from my seat, huffing, "But, headmaster. Alone? With Malfoy? Who knows what the hell the kid will do to me."

"Headmaster, I don't know if you're aware but that blood tra- Scott punched me in the fucking face. Then attempted to blow me up. I'd rather scrub Hagrid clean," Malfoy moaned as he stood up, standing inches away from me.

"Language, Mr Malfoy. I am well aware of what Miss Scott has done and I am more aware of who started what. No arguments, you may both leave and meet me after dinner by the tower," Dumbledore said as he waved us off.

I let out a loud groan as I exited the room, Malfoy on my trail. I walk downstairs when I hear Malfoy begin to whisper-shout at me, "This is all your fucking fault, Scott." I shoved my middle finger up in his face.

He continued cursing me and I saw my friends give me a look as they rushed towards us once they heard his voice raise louder.

"Bloody hate Gryffindor's!" He screamed as he stomped off, god knows where. "Out of my way!" Was the last thing we heard as his voice trailed off.

I sighed as I turned to see my friends, "Blimey Lay, what happened?" Ron asked, hiding his laughter.

"Dumbledore gave us detention tonight, to clean the astronomy tower. He's sulking," I explained to them as we walked down the halls.

"Good luck with that one, mate. I don't really know what to say except I hope to see you tomorrow morning," Harry chuckled to which I shoved his shoulder.

"Come on guys, we better get to the Great Hall," Hermione piped in, linking her arm through mine. "Oh yeah..." Ron said, nodding in agreement.


Hermione and I sat on one of the benches on the side as we watched everyone put their names in the cup. The cup had an ageing line drawn by Dumbledore, to ensure that everyone who entered was 17+.

The boys left us to talk with the guys somewhere so that just left Mione and I. "Mione, are you actually reading?" I chuckle as I notice her deep into her book.

"Yes, nothing interesting has happened so far," she said, dipping her head back into her book. I rolled my eyes, turning next to me to talk to Padma.

There were a few students who placed their name in the Goblet. Including, Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons along with another girl. A few Durmstrang boys too. I suddenly hear loud cheers.

"Go on Cedric!"

I turn around to see most of the Hufflepuff seventh years pushing Cedric inside the ageing line. Hermione chuckles lightly under her breath as she notices my eye roll towards their masculinity.

Cedric places the paper containing his name in the goblet and his friends jump in and cheer him on. He turns his head towards Mione and I's direction and blasts a wink at me.

"What was that?" Mione whispered in my ear as Cedric left. "Hmm? I don't know, his ego probably got the better of him," I huffed as I went back to staring at my nails.

Once Cedric exited the ageing line, there was a loud cheer as the twins ran in holding flasks in their hands, "Well we've done it, lads," Fred says, "Cooked it up just this morning," George finishes.

"It's not going to work," Hermione sings, shutting her book closed and grasping the attention of everyone in the room. "Yeah? And why's that Granger?" The twins ask, each poking their heads on either side of Mione's shoulder. Causing me to cough as Fred's hair gets in my mouth.

Mione started rambling on about the ageing line and how Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. She's not wrong.

"That's what makes it so brilliant.It's pathetically dim-witted." The boys replied as they smirked at her. She facepalmed herself as she leaned her head on my shoulder, giving up on telling the boys how stupid this is.

"Ready, Fred?"

"Ready, Geoge!"

"Bottoms up!"

The twins drink the potion, simultaneously as they jump into the ageing line. There were loud cheers as they were hugging themselves. "Wait for it..." Mione whispered, pointing a finger at me. I looked between them specifically, wondering what would happen.

They placed their names in the goblet and began cheering, "Any second now..." Mione said and suddenly the boys were thrown back with a jolt and Hermione began laughing her head off. "When are you ever wrong, my smarticle!" I said, giving Mione a high five.

Suddenly, everyone went quiet as the door burst open and in walked Karkaroff and Krum. I don't understand how the girls are instantly falling to their knees for this man, I just don't see it.

He places his name inside and turns his head to our direction, here we go again. Thinking he would wink at me, he nods his head to Hermione. I look at my best friend in utter surprise as her cheeks form a blush.

"Hermione Jean Granger, what the hell was that?" I asked, teasing her a little knowing she doesn't like being called by her full name. "Nothing, he's been doing that ever since he arrived," she replied not facing me.

I know Hermione has never liked anyone too much except for her on and off crushes on Ron which no one knows about besides me. Can't wait to see what Krum has to offer.

AN: Hehe, these first few chapters may be a little boring because I need to get the whole 'Harry will be the fourth Triwizard' thing out of the way before I could properly start the drama and tea. I'm trying to minimise that a little bit because we all know what happens.

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