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The four of us were running down the stairs when Harry pushed us all back before shooting a spell. We finally made it to the courtyard, everywhere was ballistic. My heart ached as I stepped over someone's body, my hands trembling with fear.

We encountered trolls and spiders as we tried to make our way to the exit. Something caught my leg and I turned around to see a death eater caught me but thankfully Harry spelled him back.

Running down Hermione screamed as she cast a spell on a death eater who killed Lavender, oh my.

"Come on, Mione," I whispered as I dragged her along. The two girls hated each other but she did not deserve to die, not at all.

We made it to the front of the gate but were blocked by hundreds of dementors, possibly thousands, coming our way.

"Harry, do the-" I began but was interrupted by a big blue light blocking the dementors way.

I turned around to see Aberforth who gave the four of us a nod, I smiled at the old man before running after my friends. 


We made it to the place Harry said Voldermort was and it was awfully quiet until we began hearing voices. 

Harry moved to the front whilst Hermione, Ron and I stayed back a little. 

"But only I can live forever," Voldermorts nasty voice projected.

"My Lord-"

Suddenly there was a loud thud which I assumed to be Snape's body. I felt a hand covering my mouth as they pulled my body back, I turned my head around to see Ron.

The thudding continued and my heart broke a little but I didn't forget everything he did, how he betrayed everyone and everything.

Harry looked to us before running inside, the three of us followed after him to see a dying Snape on the floor crying.

I grabbed onto Ron and Hermione as I watched Harry try to ease the pain for Snape, Mione and I shed a few tears at the sight before us.

"Take them, take them please," Snape cried out, pointing to his tears.

Harry turned around, "Give me something." Once Hermione handed him a vial, Harry collected Snape's tears. 

"Take t-them to the p-pensive," Snape choked. I looked at the three in confusion as they shrugged their shoulders.

Harry was shaking slightly but the words that Snape said after left us all confused, "You have your mother's eyes."

Snape soon stopped breathing as his body went numb, Harry stepped back and turned around to us. "C-Come on," I choked as I directed him and everyone else back to the castle.

But Harry fell onto the floor before we could leave, Voldermort's slithery voice projecting through the air. 



"I now speak...directly...to you..."

"On this night...you have allowed... your friends to die for you..."

"Join me in the forbidden forest..."

"Confront your fate..."

"If you do not do this I shall kill every last man, woman and child, who tries to conceal you from me..."


We walk into the Great Hall to see there is no death eater's insight. Everyone is quiet as they are healing up, some having no option to heal but to remain still on the floor.

We were walking when Ron paused in his tracks, there on the floor laid none other than Fred Weasley. I held my hand over my mouth as I saw how distraught the family was.

In a corner, I saw Pansy crying on the floor above a body. Without thinking I ran over to her, I let out a breath of relief when I saw Charlie was okay, comforting her.

"Pansy?" Her head jolted up and I saw she laid above her mother's body. She was a mess, dirt everywhere, her clothes ripped, blood dripping down her forehead.

I fell to the floor next to her as I brought her into my arms, she sobbed even louder. Her mother was a sweet lady, she was dark but very sweet. I felt my heartache for my mother mainly knowing how close they were.

She pulled away slightly before wiping her eyes, "Your father w-was trying t-to k-kill me. S-She protected m-me." 

I felt rage built up in my stomach as all I wanted to do was kill that mother fucker. "I'm going to kill him, Pans," I muttered as I brought her into my arms again.

"Coraline?" That voice...

I slowly pulled Pansy away from me, directing Aiden to grab her. I turned around to see my siblings standing before me, bloodied up.

I gasped as I instantly ran towards them, throwing myself at both of them. "Oh my god," I choked as I cried into their arms.

"We thought we lost you," Brian cried as he had his arms tightly wrapped around me.

"I thought I was n-never g-going to see you again," I cried out, holding the both of them.

My sister chuckled slightly, holding my face in her hands, "Oh shut it! Mum told us to come here, not wanting to be near that prick."

I chuckled slightly before hugging them both, missing them was an understatement. I haven't seen my family in over a year and it hurt that I see them here.

As I was hugging them I couldn't help but notice a frustrated blonde searching the Great Hall. I back away from my siblings before telling them I'll be right back.

I ran towards him, "Draco!" I kept yelling and once he heard my voice he stopped as he looked at me. 

I ran into his arms, smashing my lips onto his and crying out. "Oh my god, you're okay," he breathed out, relaxing his muscles.

"I told you I'd be," I smiled innocently as I brought my lips to his again.

"You're not leaving my sight," he breathed, cupping my face as he placed kisses all over me.

I chuckled as I snaked my arms around his waist, snuggling my head into his chest.

"Coraline?" I turned around to see Hermione and Ron standing behind me.

Draco's hand slid into mine protectively as he squeezed my hand hard. "Ron, I'm so sorry about Fred," I teared up, hearing the news about the jolly Weasley.

He smiled at me, I let go of Draco's hand for a second as I brought him into a hug. "I really am," I whispered in his ear and he held me back tightly.

Once we let go I returned to Draco but we remained in conversation. "We're scared Harry's gone to the forbidden forest, coming?" Hermione asked, pointing to the steps.

I nodded my head instantly and went with them, dragging my blonde-headed lover along with me.

AN: I'm in such a horrible mood today so expect a lot of chapters which I will be unleashing my anger on :))

Also thank you guys so much for 11K, I'm in awe!!!

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