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Today was the day of the tournament and Harry was practically shaking as well as I was. The first round is dragons and I'm close to shitting myself, if he dies from a fucking dragon then I don't know what I would do.

I'm looking around to try and find a seat in the stands when I see Ron sitting alone. I walk up to him and he lifts his head as he heard me coming, "Coraline!" I could see the sadness behind his eyes, poor guy really misses his best friend but he's being a huge dick to him.

"Ronald!" I nod my head and move past him. He grabs hold of my arm, "Wait! Can you sit with us? I mean, Hermione is here too but she went to see Harry." 

I stared into his eyes for a few seconds before I roll my eyes and take a seat next to him. "If I hear one comment about Harry from you I won't hesitate to throw you in with the dragons too," I snapped. I saw his face nod with fear which shut him up.

Until..."You know, I don't hate him, Lay. I'm just upset he lied," Ron sighs. I look up at him and scoff a little, "Ronald, you're his best friend. I find it hard to believe that you actually think he's willing to risk his life for a stupid game when he's already the most wanted by Voldermorts immortal shifting ways," I huffed.

He stared at me before turning his head and staring at the cage. Moments later, Hermione came back and looked between Ron and I before taking a seat next to me. She leaned into my ear and whispered, "Did I miss anything?" I shake my head in response.

The first person to enter is Cedric Diggory. Hermione and Ron both cheered for him whilst I sat down and clapped when he did something worthy. If you ask me he's a bit of a showoff and clearly doing this for attention. "Go Cedric!" is what I heard throughout most of his round.

Hermione and I supported Krum and Fleur once they came on. Ron maybe a little too much for Krum, I couldn't help but chuckle every time he'd scream for him louder than most of the girl. Both of them did amazing, they each got the egg even if they went through quite a bit of trouble and received a few minor injuries.

Once it was Harry's turn, everyone went silent. That was until most of the stands began cheering Harry's name, including myself and Hermione, when he came outside and walked to the rocks. Once I saw him coming out, I grabbed onto both Ron and Mione's shoulders and started screaming, "COME ON HARRY!"

He looked so frightened but who could blame him, I'd be shitting myself if I was down there in his place. He slowly walked up and once he saw the egg he started walking towards it. That was until the dragon came out of nowhere and attacked, flapping its tail at him.

Harry dodged the dragon pretty quickly as he gripped onto his wand, moving around everywhere and trying his best to not get killed. However, the dragon kept blowing fire his way, clearly in an attempt to grill the boy.

I saw Hermione and Ron look panicked at the sight of him, "Hermione, he needs help," I whispered and she thought for a second before she yelled, "YOUR WAND HARRY!"

"USE YOUR WAND!" I screamed after her. He got the message and acciod for his broom to come to him. "Clever!" I heard Ron mutter under his breath and couldn't help but smile a little.

He hid behind a rock and suddenly the dragon roared out fire and my heart stopped for a second, he was nowhere in sight. That was until Harry appeared, running on top of a large rock and then jumping onto his broom and flying away.

The crowd goes wild, Ron, Hermione and I all cheer as loudly as possible at the fact he did that. He flew away but the dragon got loose of his chains and flew after him, my heart began racing as I prayed to Merlin he would be alright.

"He best not get eaten," I said worryingly. "He won't, he's doing something right," Ron said as he looked out for him. I turned to Hermione who rolled her eyes at the boy's sudden change of heart but smiled after.

The crowd was silent for a while. Harry was gone for approximately 7 minutes and we were all getting worried, too worried. I could see even Dumbledore was fiddling with the ends of his bears, straightening out the white ends of his beard hair.

Suddenly, Harry comes flying down and Hermione and I jump on each other as we scream. Everyone claps and cheers as he's alive. He jumps off of his broom and dashes for the golden egg, once he reaches it he stands on the rock and shoves it in the air.

"YES HARRY!" The three of us scream in unison. I grabbed Hermione's hand and ran past everyone, trying to get downstairs to the back entrance. 

Arriving there, we saw all the other competitors aching and resting from their injuries that they've gained from the competition. Harry enters the room holding the egg and I instantly run into his arms, "You didn't die, doof!"

Hermione soon followed after, "You did it, Harry!" We both smiled as we let go of him. "Just barely survived, guys," he sighed and sat down.

"'Barely survived' are you dumb or just dumb dumb? Harry James Potter, you did incredibly out there and I don't think anyone would deny that," I yelled causing everyone in the room to stare at me, mostly out of anger.

Hermione chuckled as she pulled Harry up, "Come on, I'm sure everyone wants to celebrate back in the common room!" I cheered and dragged them both out, skipping away.

Once we reached the common room we entered and everyone began cheering and clapping for Harry, lifting him up in the air. Hermione and I followed shortly as Seamus grabbed the egg and showed it to everyone as if he's the one who won it.

"I see everyone forgave him," I chuckled to Mione as she hands me some sweets. "I told you..." she replied. We sat on one of the couches as we watched Harry and the rest of Gryffindor celebrate his victory.

Seamus gave the egg a kiss before lifting it to Harry. "Go on, Arry. What's the clue?" he smiled as Harry grabbed the egg out of his hand. Harry, loving the attention he's getting, "Who wants me to open it? Do you want me to open it?" Harry asked as everyone cheered a yes and so he opened it.

A loud, screeching sound came out of the egg and everyone grabbed their ears in agonising pain. Mione fell on top of me whilst I was screaming at Harry to close it. Once he saw my raging eyes, he finally closed the egg and everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"What the bloody hell was that?" We turned around to see Ron walking in, staring at Harry as he walked inside the common room. 

Harry and him held eye contact before I walk into the middle and yell, "Okay everyone. Get out, this may get messy." Fred and Goerge wrapped their arms around my shoulders, "This'll be uncomfortable enough without all you nosy sods listening in."

Once shrugging the twins off, I grabbed Mione and left the boys in the common room as we made our way up the stairs. I pray to muggle God that they fix their issues because despite loving Harry to bits, I wanted all my friends together.

Entering our dorm room I flopped onto my bed groaning in tiredness. "I see you're just full of energy," Hermione chuckled as she changed her clothes. "Dumbledore is making Malfoy and I help the prefects with something tomorrow. I might as well get my rest," I groaned.

"Holy moly, good luck. You will need it, Lay," Hermione sympathised. I groaned louder before I got up to change clothes very thankful that she didn't push me further to find out what. If I remember correctly, Dumbledore told us not to mention this ball to anyone yet.

Mumbling a good night to Hermione, I closed my curtains as I cast a silencing charm. Drifting off to sleep I pray that Malfoy won't bother me tomorrow...but boy was I wrong.

AN: My chapters from chapter 11 will be a little longer as I want to fit more into them. I hope you guys enjoyed this one because, from chapter 11, Malfoy and Coraline tea shall commence.

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