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TW: Abuse 

The next morning was the Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch team and my heart was increasing pretty rapidly. I was sitting down at the table with Lavender, Fay and Leo.

"You'll be fine, Gryffindor. Stop shaking so much," Leo chuckled, placing his hand over mine.

"I-I know but it's my first match in three years. What if I mess up?" I had barely eaten, I had to eat due to needing my strength but my nerves got the better of me.

"You won't mess up. If anything Weasley is more likely to fuck up," Fay said, pointing to the red-head who looked ready to barf.

I nodded my head knowing she was probably right. The difference between Ron and I was that I actually had played in a match before whereas he hasn't.

I drank down some juice before I got up, "Let's do this!" The three got up slowly, Lavender a little bit too giddy as she skipped over to Ron.

"Good luck today, Ron. I know you'll be brilliant," she giggled, grinning at him like an idiot.

I could see Hermione's face twisting at Lavender's presence and tried my best to keep it together. It was so obvious she liked him, I don't know how daft he could actually be.

"Good luck, Weasley," I nodded as I walked past, not feeling like being ignored today.

Ten minutes go by before Harry comes down along with the rest of the team and we're set to play. My first match in forever and I feel like shitting myself, terribly.

I mount my broom and fly into the air, my nerves calming down as the crowd cheers for us. I hover in the air, gripping onto my bat as I looked around.

My brain froze as I noticed my father in the stands, scowling at me. My hands began to shake as I realised he's here to watch me, watch me stand out.

"Isn't that your father?" I turned to my right to see Harry hovering next to me. "Fuck off, Potter!" I snapped and flew to my position, I'm sorry.

The game went on for a long time. My stomach kept twisting at the thought of my father watching me play. Ron was doing so much better than I thought, he blocked every ball the Slytherin's threw his way.

After an hour and a half, Harry finally caught the snitch and we won. I looked over at my father to see the hatred on his face growing considerably greater, I gulped as I knew I had to get out of here quickly.

Back in the changing room, I was the last person to leave. I quickly put on the hoodie along with jeans that I packed in my bag before I came down.

"Coralina!" My heart began beating as I knew my father stood behind me.

I slowly turned around to be met by his cold eyes, scowling down at me. 

"Father," I nod, not daring to move from my spot.


"What was that?" He yelled, causing me to wince slightly at his sudden rage. I looked at him with confused eyes, "I don't know what you mean, father. We won, didn't we?"

He scoffed, rubbing his chin, "I don't give a shit about Gryffindor winning. I want to know why the only name I could hear through the speakers was that Weasels."

He was walking closer towards me and I backed away slightly, scared of what would happen if he came too close. "I-I'm sorry, father. I-I-"

He slapped me across the face.

My eyes watered as the right side of my face began to sting and he stood there with a smug look on his face. "Stop stuttering! You're a Vanderwal, speak like one," he bellowed.

I nodded my head, standing up straight, "I'll try harder, father." 

I kept my head down but could hear his footsteps getting closer. I heard the same sound I've been hearing since the beginning of summer, that same dammned knife.

He slashed the knife against the stinging cheek of my face and blood was beginning to drip down. "That'll remind you to not make a fool out of this family," he scoffed.

I nodded my head, containing everything I wanted to pour out. "Don't bother coming home for Christmas," is the last thing he says before I hear the door slamming against the wall as he left.

I waited a few more seconds before I fell onto the floor, bringing my knees to my chest as I let everything out. I couldn't do this anymore, I was driven to insanity.

I felt footsteps coming back but I didn't care, I didn't care if he saw me like this because this is what he was doing to his daughter. He was driving his daughter to insanity.

I clutched harder as I heard a body fall onto the ground next to me and my breathing got heavier, not wanting him to come closer.

I suddenly felt arms wrap around me, familiar arms. The minty scent lingered around my body as the person said nothing, just held me in their arms as I cried it out.

I knew it was Draco, I knew he was holding me as I broke down. I don't know why but I knew it was him, I didn't need to look up to confirm that.

"Let it out, Coraline." His words made me cry, even more, they reminded me of how he was last year. Caring.

After 10 minutes, I finally calmed down. I didn't move from my position, I stayed curled up in a ball as I hugged myself and Draco's arms not moving around me.

Managing to pluck up the courage, I sit up slightly to get a better view of him. "Why did you do that?" I asked, grabbing a mirror from my bag as I checked the cut.

"I saw your father leave, I was coming down to fly when I heard your loud sobs. I uh- I was returning the favour," he admitted, crossing his legs.

"Thank you," I whispered, groaning in pain as I touched the wound on my cheek.

He grabbed my hand and cupped my left cheek, "Did he do this to you?" I nodded my head slowly, staring into his eyes.


"Punishment for bringing down the Vanderwal name. Summer was hell," I sighed, grabbing the hand he's using to hold my face.

"It's all my fault, I-I-"

"No! It was not your fault, Draco. I-I don't want to talk about it, please," I begged, keeping my gaze down.

Thankfully he dropped the subject but pulled me in closer towards him, his eyes never leaving mine. He carefully brought his lips to mine and placed a soft kiss on my lips before I pulled back.

"We can't- Not again, Draco," I choked, standing up quickly and backing away from him.

There were tears pooling in my eyes as I grabbed my belongings and walked away. 

"Coraline, ple-"

"No! Just- I need to head back," I interrupted him, jogging out of the room quickly.

I kissed Draco, last time I kissed Draco I was sent mixed signals and he abused me emotionally; fucking with my head, something I didn't need.

AN: My writing gets so awful during this time, I don't know why. I write better when I'm in bed but I'll try to have the next chapter out by tonight.

This chapter was a little bland :((

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