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*Monday, September 6th, 1994. Hogwarts*

"Harry, will you calm down?" I ask, shaking his shoulders frustratingly. I managed to take him outside to the courtyards to calm him down, there was no way I was going to allow him to do something to Ron which he would regret later on.

"He's a real foul git, y'know," he shouts in my face as he kicks a rock by the bench. I give him a look to which he mumbles an apology. 

"Harry, give him time. Don't feed into this, he's hurt because he thinks you did this without him." He rolls his eyes as he stares at the ground, "I know. But, he's my best mate, Lay. He out of all people should believe me, he's breaking us all apart."

I give his hand a squeeze and look him in the eyes, "Harry, he's hurt. That's all. I'll talk to him but you should just focus on the first task." He nodded in agreement and I took a deep breath.

I lean on his shoulders as he tries to calm down, regaining himself. 

Harry and I spend the rest of the day wandering the courtyards and talking, trying to get his mind off Ron and the competition.

When it reached 8 PM, I headed off to the astronomy tower for my detention-redo. Once I got there, I saw Malfoy already cleaning which surprised me to the max.

"Cleaning without me? What a gentleman," I chuckle as I walk over to where he is scrubbing the rails. He rolls his eyes and ignores me. "No comebacks?" I ask. The Malfoy I know and hate would slap back something, not ignore me.

"I'm trying to do our detention, if you're not going to work then get the fuck out," he snapped as he popped his rag back onto the bucket to wet it. I looked at him astonishingly, why is he being blunt? I mean he is blunt normally but never to me, we always fight, that's what we do?

I rolled my eyes and decided it's best not to argue. I grabbed a mop and went over to wet it to start mopping the floors. There was nothing but utter silence from both of us and it was driving me crazy. You'd never find me and Malfoy in the same room and if you did we would always argue, scream or do something.

I let out a huff before I stopped in my tracks and turned to him, "Why are you not screaming at me? I'm the reason you're here after all," I said as I watched him wiping down the windows. He didn't move to face me or even speak so I went up to him, turning him towards me.

"What do you want me to do? Rile you up so you can pull some crazy shit and get us another detention, again?" He asked. His eyes were glaring at me yet his expression remained emotionless and still.

"You're Malfoy, you don't back down out of anything. You- You have to send some snarky comment my way," I huffed as he stopped cleaning and crossed his arms in front of me. 

He took a deep breath, "Look. Finish your area and I will finish mine. No more detention and we can go back to hating each other tomorrow." I stared at him before letting out a groan and walking back to my area and continuing the mopping.

And we were back to silence. He wiped, I mopped. It was boring and unusual for us hence why I spoke first, "Y'know..." I started which he groaned to, loudly. He turned around facing me, "Do you ever shut up? Just for 5 minutes, utter peace and quiet?" 

I shook my head innocently, "Nope. Back to what I was saying, how come you talk to your sister?" This got him good, he turned back round to face me and stared at me, "What?"

"You know, your sister is so nice and not a dick like you. She has a heart and believes everyone is equal unlike you. Doesn't bully people for her own satisfaction unlike you. Has morals unlike you. Isn't a racist, narcissistic pri-" I went on and on listing the many qualities his sister doesn't have until he stopped me, "I get it!"

"Why do you care? And how did you know she's my sister?" He asked, keeping his head down and doing his work whilst still keeping conversation with me. "It's not exactly a secret she's a Malfoy, Malfoy. And the slight protectiveness Friday night when she thought she cockblocked something considering she blamed me for what happened..." I explained and he nodded.

He threw the mop onto the floor as he leaned against the railing he was cleaning, "What do you expect me to do, disown her as my sister? I love her too much despite the wrong path she chose for herself." I stared at him as he looked like he was in deep thought.

"She just seems protective, must be nice," I sighed. He looked at me for a second, "Yeah it is."

I went over to the bucket next to him and dipped my mop in it, "Aren't you scared of what your parents may say?" I asked suddenly. "I guess," is all he said well muttered before walking away to the further point of the tower.

We dropped any form of conversation for the rest of the time we were here and when we were finally done we both fell onto the floor, leaning against the wall as we tried to BREATH.

"Scott?" He surprised me with his voice, jolting my head up to see him staring at me with no form of expression on his face. "I- I'm hoping we won't be back here?" He asked as he looked me with pleading eyes.

"Depends. Don't call my friends racial slurs or offend them and maybe we wont," I smiled innocently as he rolled his eyes. "Yeah...not happening," he replied.

I let out a scoff, "Alright. Next time, I'll be visiting you in hospital," I winked as I stood up to leave. "So, you'll visit me?" He chuckled as we headed for the door. 

"In your dreams, Malfoy. In your DREAMS!" I emphasises as I shoved past his shoulder and went downstairs to head to the commonr room.

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