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The next few days I avoided Malfoy everywhere I went, how can he kiss me and then next act hurtful towards me?

"I can't believe Seamus actually did that." I was walking down the corridor with my friends, we were in the middle of a conversation about what Seamus did in Potions.

"Snape looked ready to murder him, I mean fully murder him," Hermione choked. I leaned against the wall, trying to gather myself back up again.

We were sitting on the floor, having nothing to do. Harry practically forgot about the second task, not that I blame him, Ron barely helped. The only people stressing were Mione and I so it was nice to not think about anything for a while.

"I think he looked funny," Ron blurted. I nodded my head vigorously as I agreed with him. Snape is an old, brutal man but you can't deny that his facial expressions will crack you up.

"Oh yes, terribly funny. Control your dog of a friend next time, Potter." We all turned our heads to see Malfoy walking by with his two goons.

I got up to say something to him but Hermione dragged me back down, "Don't bother." 

A part of me will always be confused when it comes to Malfoy. He kissed me, a Gryffindor, not only once but twice yet he acts so spiteful and mean towards my friends and I.

"I should go find Leo, I promised to help him study before our DADA test," I yawned as I got up from the floor. I did promise to help him only because I knew I would forget to study for this test myself.

They all made love noises to which I shoved my middle finger at them. "Nothing is happening!" I yelled as I walked away, not turning around to see their smirking faces.

Walking down the corridor, there was no one in sight. Hogwarts is beautiful don't get me wrong but sometimes it sends shivers down my spine because of the quietness and emptiness. 

As I tried fixing the strap of my bag I felt an arm grab me and pull me inside a classroom. I turned around to scream but instead was cut off by a pair of familiar lips attaching themselves to mine. 

I opened my eyes to see Malfoy, kissing me. 

I pushed him away and he stared at me with a frown forming on his face. "Piss off."

"What did I do?" He asked in disbelief. I scoffed at his choice of words and turned around to leave but before I could reach the door I felt his cold grasp on my waist.

"I'm being serious, Scott. What did I do?" I looked him straight in the eyes, he looked confused. I let out a sigh, "This. This is what you're doing wrong. You kiss me one second and the next you become rude and hurtful to me as if kissing me was just some way to relieve the stress."

"Look for some reason, I can't stay away from you and neither can you," he snapped, pressing one hand on the wall above me.

I scoffed, "Excuse me? Who said I can't stay away from you?" Whoever raised this boy clearly did not do a great job at it.

"You kiss me back every time, Scott. You need this more than I do," he sighed. I squint my eyes at him before letting them relax, he's not completely wrong. This past week the only things that were on my mind were my grandmother and our kiss we shared.

"And what is it that you want from me exactly?" I asked, crossing my arms above my chest. He chuckled a little before rubbing his chin and standing straight.

"We fulfill each other's needs. Making out here n there and eventually, we will get tired of each other and lose interest in whatever this is," he finished by dragging his finger between the two of us.

I stare at him with a slight hint of disgust on my face, "So a friend with benefits who just makes out?" He nodded his head with a smile as he looked proud of what he had concluded.

I stare at him warily before I give in, "Fine. But there are two conditions to this." He rolls his eyes before gesturing for me to continue, "One: This is to be kept a secret. As you said, this will wear off eventually and no one will need to know about it."

"Well, no shit. I don't need anyone thinking I have feelings for you or some shit, you're a Gryffindor," he huffed and I slapped his shoulder in response.

"And two: No more being rude to my friends and I." I finished, forming a smirk on my lips. 

He blinked his eyes a couple of times as if he didn't hear me and then burst into laughter, "There is no way that is happening, Scott. Forget it." I shrugged my shoulders before walking past him.

"Okay, wait. What will people say if they realise I'm not traumatising Potter and his band of Pottheads." I glared at him before shaking my head and shrugging my shoulders, "That sounds like a you problem, Malfoy." 

I hear him let out a groan before he chases after me, grabbing hold of my wrist, "Fine. One comment a day and I'll agree." I looked at him before shaking my head, "You get one comment every two days and it can be towards me, not my friends."

He widened his eyes before he threw his head back in defeat, "FINE! Fine, okay." I smiled innocently at him before wrapping my arms around his neck, "Great! See you tomorrow, lover boy!" I whispered in his ear and walked towards the door.

Before I could leave, I felt his cold arms around my waist, pushing me against the door and smashing his lips against mine. I can't deny the fact that he's an amazing kisser at his age.

"See you ferret boii!" I chuckled and walked out of the room without turning around to see his frustrated face.

We are crazy for doing this, way too crazy. I mean, what kind of teenagers decide to make out from time to time to let go of these 'feelings' we are feeling. I quietly smiled to myself as I strolled down the corridors and brushed my finger across my lips...it did feel good.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I bumped into someone, I looked up to see female Malfoy staring at me with a frustrated look. "You again!" She glared.

"I'm sorry, I-I was in the middle of a deep thought," I explained. She rubbed her temples before letting out a deep sigh, "Watch where you're going next time, you could've hurt someone."

I nodded at her before she walked away. I question myself about how she is related to male Malfoy, I mean she's nice-ish and he's not nice, at all.

I carried on walking before I remembered I had to meet Leo, shit... I jogged down to the library praying that he would still be there which of course, he was.

AN: Oh my- 300 reads already? It might not be much but wow this is actually a lot for me, thank you guys so much. Keep on reading for the drama to unfold :)))

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