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The Next Week

The rest of the week went by quite quickly and before I knew it, it was the weekend again. Meaning that I had to face Malfoy after what happened last week, I was dreading it completely. 

For the past week, Leo has been hanging out with us whenever he could, mainly to make sure I'm okay. I told my friends the news I had received about my grandmother and they were all devastated. Grandmother's funeral would be held the day after I go back home and just thinking about it makes my stomach hurt.

I excused myself that evening to head down to the Great Hall for the ball preparations. I walk in to see Malfoy already there, talking with Aiden, the Slytherin sixth year prefect.

"Malfoy. Aid- Robinson!" I corrected myself as they both turned around, both glaring at me. What a lovely start...

"You're late, Scott," Aiden snapped, crossing his arms in front of his chest. I raise a brow at him before rolling my eyes, "I have a lot of shit going on right now. I really don't give a damn if I'm late."

"I hardly doubt your boyfriend is any more of a priority than this," Malfoy mumbled. I stared at him with wide eyes as I repeated his words in my head, did he just? Boyfriend? 

Aiden looked at me warily before handing me a clipboard, "I have another task for you two to complete. I need you two to head over to Hagrids hut and grab the Christmas tree." I parted my lips to speak but he gave us a nod and left.

I stormed off and headed towards the exit, Malfoy shuffling behind me. What on earth would make him think I have a boyfriend? I don't cheat...I do not cheat. 

We walked in silence until we were outside, walking in the icy weather. It was bound to snow any day now. "What makes you think I have a boyfriend?" I asked him after making sure there was no one else within our hearing limit.

"I'm not daft, Scott. Martinez? He's been with you all fucking week and don't forget your little midnight rendezvous last week in the gardens," he huffed. 

"Excuse me? Leo and I are not dating and I do- Wait! What did you say?" So I wasn't seeing things, there really was someone outside last week.

He looked at me before staring at the ground, "You don't really go on romantic walks outside with bimbo's your friends with." I stared at him in shock. Same old Malfoy thinks he knows every fucking thing that happens in everyone's lives.

"For your information, he was helping me. And I don't know how it's any of your business if I was out on a 'romantic walk'," I snapped. He didn't say anything and thankfully we reached Hagrids in time before the silence began to get awkward.

There were no trees in sight so I knocked on Hagrid's door. A few seconds later, the giant came out, wearing his flower apron, "Cora'ine. What brings ye ere?" I gave the giant a big hug, his hugs were always warm and comforting.

"We're here for the Christmas tree, hagrid. Where is it?" I asked, looking around the hut to find the tree nowhere in sight. "Oh er, I'm a little busy right now. Do you guys want to cut yer selves?" 

I looked at Hagrid, blinking a few times. I felt Malfoy shove past me, standing in front of Hagrid, "What do you mean?!" Hagrid scratched his head feeling a bit upset.

"It's fine Hagrid, we can cut the tree. Do you have the cutter?" I shot him a smile and he gave me a nod before walking back inside his house to bring us the cutter.

"Are you out of your mind? We can't cut a whole fucking tree," Malfoy started whisper-shouting at me. Before I could speak, Hagrid came out and gave me a huge saw. Oh my-

"Be careful!" He yells. I run after Malfoy, whilst I drag the saw all the way into the woods. 

After walking for a while, he rushes in front of me, "You are not cutting up a tree Scott!" He snapped.

"Yes, I am!" I replied. I shoved him aside so I can walk up to the tree to cut the thing off.

He let out a chuckle before shoving the saw into my hands, "I forgot you need your boyfriend telling you what to do." With that said, he went and sat on a rock, gesturing me to go and cut the tree.

 I walked over to the tree whilst my face was beginning to become red and with one swing, I shoved the saw into the tree and began cutting. I let all my anger out onto this tree, even though it was pretty big and hard for me to cut it was a great way for me to let all my anger out.

"You know, I never expected you to go for a Hufflepuff," Malfoy scoffed as I was struggling to cut the tree. I looked at him to see him smirking at me and that's when I lost it.

I let out a scream before I began cutting the tree very hard, "You know you think you know everything Malfoy, don't you? Has it ever fucking occurred to you that people outside of your snakey house, have a fucking heart? Has it ever crossed your minuscule mind that something may have happened to me?"

At this point, I knew I shut him up because I couldn't hear even a snide laugh come out of his mouth. "My grandmother DIED, Malfoy. She died, stopped breathing, is no longer here. It's not every day you receive this news through a fucking letter from a family that doesn't even want you. The woman who raised me is dead and I have to go back to a family who has emotionally abused me for the last 15 years."

I took in a deep breath before I let go of the practically finished tree and stormed up to him, "You don't know shit that happens around here, Malfoy. My friend, yes Leo, a fucking Hufflepuff found me outside crying. A friend who sat with me and comforted me whilst I let my heart out. A friend who spent his time making sure I was okay and not doing anything stupid." 

"But yet again, what the fuck do you know about comforting friends?" I felt my eyes tearing up a little but I wasn't going to cry in front of him, I will not show him weakness. 

I gave him one spiteful look before I stormed off. I heard cracking wood and I stopped to see what it was. Before I knew it I heard Malfoy yelling, he grabbed my waist and threw me onto the floor, landing on top of me.

I looked behind him to see the tree that I was cutting fell onto the floor.

"T-Thank you," I croaked. He stared at me yet again, the same way he stared at me last week when we were in the potions classroom.

"Mal-" Before I could even finish what I wanted to say, his hands cupped my cheeks and his lips crashed onto mine.

I didn't hesitate before I kissed him back, his soft lips merging with mine does not fail to send butterflies down to my stomach. A feeling which I have not felt in a very long time...

"I'm sorry," he mumbled as he slowly removed his lips from mine, staring into my eyes. "It's u-okay."

He helped me up and I cleaned off the dirt on my clothes, we both moved to the tree and used both of our wands to levitate the tree up.

Whatever this weird thing I have with Malfoy, I need an explanation for it. I can't keep doing this back and forth. 

Thirty minutes later, we finally got the tree inside which was hell to carry. My arms began getting tired halfway and Malfoy and I had to alternate turns to carry the tree.

"Great, I'll see you guys in three weeks. That's when the ball will happen, December 8th so I'll see you two the morning of December 8th for setting up," Aiden marked. We both gave him a swift nod before we walked away.

I felt Malfoy grab my arm before quickly letting go, "Scott-". I looked at him before I sighed, "I know, I know. 'I'll see you later, blood traitor' bye." 

With that being said, I walked away and headed back to my dorm. 

AN: Hello! I hope you guys weren't too confused with this but the next 2-3 ish chapters are going to be about Draco and Coraline mainly before the yule ball occurs ahhh. And my book is about spice but that will kind of start in the fifth year, they are only 14-15 here. 

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